Restaurant Information Form: Whiskey and Fine Spirits Festival


  • Event Name: Philadelphia magazine’s Whiskey & Fine Spirits Festival presented by Lexus (the “Event”)
  • Event Location: 1 Lincoln Financial Way, Philadelphia PA 19148 (the “Venue”)
  • Event Date: Thursday, October 13, 2022
  • Event Time:
    • Trade: 4:30 p.m. entry
    • VIP: 5 p.m. entry
    • General Admission: 6:30 p.m. entry
    • Event ends at 9:30 p.m.

As a participating Restaurant, you are eligible for a 30% discount on both General Admission and VIP tickets. The code is WFVENDOR. Please do not forget to put this in the “promotional code” box on the event ticketing page.

Philadelphia magazine anticipates around 1,500 guests will attend this year’s Event. Please adjust your product amount accordingly and be prepared to serve 1,000 guests throughout the entire event. We kindly request that even if you run out of product mid-event that you stay with your table and do not leave, break down or carry materials out of the Venue before 9:30 PM.

There is free parking in L lot on Darien Street.

Staff arrival and load-in may begin any time after 1:00 PM on the day of the Event. All restaurants must have their food ready to be checked by 3:00 PM for Health Department Inspections. No cooking can begin before inspection. Molly will send more detailed load-in instructions closer to the event.

Philadelphia magazine and the Lincoln Financial Field are not responsible for any lost or stolen product, supplies, equipment, or other property. Restaurants are fully responsible for cleanup and removal of all items, equipment and/or product from the Venue immediately following the conclusion of the Event.

Philadelphia magazine will provide each Restaurant with the following:

  • Three (3) wristbands for staff working the table
  • One (1) 6′ table
  • One (1) preparation table
  • Restaurant sign above table
  • Disposable plating, cutlery, napkins, trash can, and a hand washing station will be made available for each Restaurant
  • Handwashing Station for the event as needed per the health department

Restaurant is responsible for providing the following:

  • Staff for your table (up to 3 people)
  • Approximately 1,000 samples of selected food item(s)
  • Restaurant is required to provide all equipment and ingredients necessary for serving their selected food item(s)
  • All prep and serving utensils
  • Decorations/collateral for your table
  • Dollies, carts and/or hand trucks to take food and décor from load-in to your table as needed.
    NOTE: each restaurant is encouraged to bring a branded table linen, table décor or any additional promotional items to display.

    Please come self-contained. Refrigeration will not be available. Bring drained wet ice, if necessary.

    If any vendors intend to sample oysters, they must make sure the “picking tags” are available on site. There will be a representative from the Health Department inspecting locations.

    Electricity on the floor is limited. We require the use of chafing dishes and/or hot boxes that require Sterno or Rechaud burners. Restaurants must provide all cooking utensils, ingredients, and heating needs (butane, sterno, chafing dishes, etc).

    Restaurant shall obtain all necessary licenses, rights, consents, permissions and/or permits to display, sell, and/or distribute copyrighted or trademarked material. Restaurant is responsible for all costs arising from the use of patented, trademarked, franchised, or copyrighted material (“Proprietary Material”) it uses during the Event. Restaurant warrants that all Proprietary Material displayed, sold, or distributed at the Event has been duly licensed or authorized by its owner or authorized representative and the Event will not infringe on any third party intellectual property rights.

    Restaurant, on behalf of itself and all employees, agents, and other representatives present at the Event (“Restaurant Representatives”), authorizes Philadelphia magazine, its affiliates, successors, assigns, and licensees to use, exhibit, transmit, broadcast, publish, and license, on a world-wide basis, in perpetuity, and by digital or other method, any film or videotape, audio recording, footage, photograph, negative, reproduction and/or other recording (“Recordings”) of the likeness of Restaurant and Restaurant’s Representatives taken during the Event, in whole or in part, as may be changed, made through, and used in any medium whatsoever (now existing or hereinafter created) and in all forms of marketing and advertising, now or at any time in the future. Restaurant further grants, assigns, and transfers to Philadelphia magazine all rights of every nature relating to the reproduction and use of the Recordings, and hereby waives any rights that Restaurant and Restaurant’s Representatives may have, including any right to inspect or approve the reproduction and use of the Recordings. Restaurant grants permission to the Philadelphia magazine to modify or alter the Recordings in its discretion. Restaurant also consents to the use of Restaurant and Restaurant Representative’s name(s) in connection with the Recordings. Restaurant releases Philadelphia magazine, and its officers, directors, agents, and employees from any and all claims which the Restaurant or Restaurant’s Representatives may have at any time by reason of the use of the likeness of Restaurant and Restaurant’s Representatives as contemplated herein, including, without limitation, claims arising from rights of privacy or publicity.

    Restaurant acknowledges and affirms that it is an independent contractor and not an employee of Philadelphia magazine. Restaurant also acknowledges and affirms that it is responsible for determining the means and methods of performing the services contracted for under this Agreement and for all expenses and costs incurred in performing such services.

    Restaurant, at its sole cost and expense, shall carry the required insurance outlined in the certificates of insurance. (Click here to download the certificates.) The required certificates of insurance must be delivered to Philadelphia magazine no later than September 16, 2022. Restaurant shall promptly provide written notice to Philadelphia magazine and Lincoln Financial Field of any cancellation or termination, any reduction in the policy limits or any other material policy change that occurs at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date thereof. The issuance of any insurance policy required under this Agreement and the minimum limits specified herein does not modify, limit or restrict the Restaurant’s liability arising under or out of this Agreement. Restaurant’s failure to provide the required Certificates of Insurance to Philadelphia magazine on or before the given deadline will result in Restaurant’s inability to participate at the Event.

    Restaurant hereby represents and warrants that:

    1. It has the full power and authority to make this agreement and grant all the rights granted hereunder;
    2. It will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and ordinances in the use of the Venue and provision of services and products at the Event;
    3. It will comply with all rules and regulations that apply to the Venue and with the directions of all employees or agents responsible for the operation or security of the Venue;
    4. It will comply with all guidelines provided by Philadelphia magazine for the purpose of complying with Philadelphia magazine’s obligations to produce the Event in conjunction with third parties; and
    5. It has not and will not represent itself to be an agent or employee of Philadelphia magazine or Metro. Corp., Philadelphia magazine’s parent company.

    Restaurant shall be solely responsible for acts and omissions of its employees, subcontractors, vendors, agents and employees, and any other persons or entities performing any services for or on behalf of the Restaurant in connection with the Event.

    Restaurant and its employees, contractors, subcontractors, vendors, and agents hereby agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Metro Corp. (d/b/a Philadelphia magazine) and their affiliates, agents, employees, officers, and invited guests from and against all actions, causes of action, claims, and demands and from all costs, damages, expenses, charges, debts, and liabilities (including attorneys’ fees) that arise from or are connected with the Event, Restaurant’s use of the Venue, and/or the performance or non-performance of Restaurant’s duties under this Agreement, any breach of the representations and warranties contained herein, and any injuries or losses resulting directly or indirectly from the Restaurant’s participation in and provision of goods or services at the Event. Restaurant releases and waives any and all claims, demands, or causes of action against Metro Corp. (d/b/a Philadelphia magazine) and their affiliates, agents, employees, officers, and invited guests that arise from or are connected with the Event, Restaurant’s obligations pursuant to this Agreement and use of the Venue, any injury to Restaurant’s employees, invitees, guests or agents, or damage to or loss of Restaurant’s property that Restaurant brings or stores on the Venue premises. Any property left at the Venue after the Event will be considered abandoned and may be discarded.

    Philadelphia magazine may terminate this Agreement at any time and in its sole discretion. In the event Restaurant fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Philadelphia magazine reserves the right to retain as damages any fees Restaurant paid under this Agreement, without prejudice to any other legal rights or remedies the Philadelphia magazine may have.

    Restaurant may not assign any right it receives under this Agreement.