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Congratulations on having been named a Philadelphia magazine Top DocsTM 2014 Winner! Along with the benefits of being selected a winner, Philadelphia magazine hereby authorizes you to use its trademark – Philadelphia magazine Top DocsTM – only in your own advertising and promotional materials and press releases publicizing your achievement. All other use of the trademark is prohibited.
All use of our trademark is subject to the following provisions:
1. The trademark must be clearly identified with the TM symbol immediately following the Philadelphia magazine Top DocsTM award indication and it must always be accompanied by the name “Philadelphia magazine”.
2. The Philadelphia Magazine Top DocsTM trademark must be clearly attributed to only your winning category, the year of the award must be indicated next to the category, and it must be indicated that the award was given by Philadelphia magazine. If you wish to use the “Philadelphia magazine’s Top DocTM” logo in doing so, please contact our Marketing Department to receive written permission as well as the logo. If you are promoting the award on your website, please link back to our online listings: https://www.phillymag.com/search/top-doctors/
Example without use of logo:
Philadelphia magazine’s Top DocTM 2014 – Dr. Franklin Howard, M.D.
Example with use of logo:
Dr. Franklin Howard, M.D.
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3. The Philadelphia magazine Top DocsTM trademark must not be used in connection with a group of professionals or a company name without clearly identifying those professionals selected for the Philadelphia magazine Top DocsTM award, the year of their individual award and the winning category of each professional.
ABC Clinic – winner of a Philadelphia magazine Top DocsTM award.
We must insist that you follow these specific guidelines in order to preserve the integrity of this award and to increase its value to you and the other winners. In addition, Philadelphia magazine reserves the right to use your name in its list of Philadelphia magazine Top DocsTM award-winners.
Should you have any questions about the above guidelines, please contact Philadelphia magazine’s marketing department at 215-564-7700 x 2054 or mrkint2@phillymag.com or contact our Business Manager directly at 215-656-3518.
Once again, congratulations on your award!