Go Go Power Rangers Reunion in Philly Suburbs This Weekend

Image via the Great Philadelphia Comic Con
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were a mid-1990s phenomenon, spawning everything from movies to toys to Happy Meal tie-ins to POGs (hey, it was the mid-90s). Now four of the stars from the original series, plus three voice actors, will be at the Great Philadelphia Comic Con this weekend at the Expo Center in Oaks.
Four former Power Rangers will appear at a Power Rangers read-along at 7 p.m. on Friday night. Austin St. John (the Red Ranger), David Yost (the Blue Ranger), Walter E. Jones (the Black Ranger) and Karan Ashley (the second Yellow Ranger) will read through some sort of parody Power Rangers script along with the voices of the Rangers boss, Zordon (David Fielding).
The voices of two supervillains—Rita Repulsa (Barbara Goodson) and her minion Goldar (Kerrigan Mahan)—will also be at that reading. Yes, it’s pretty much most of the original Power Rangers crew. What, Bulk and Skull weren’t available?
The four Rangers have a panel on Saturday afternoon, while the voice actors have a panel on Sunday.
Be sure to read the profiles on the Comic Con website, which include some oddball facts about the Rangers. Austin St. John‘s “favorite style of music is rock-and-roll with an ever-growing interest in hip-hop,” while Walter E. Jones is “truly a compassionate person and it’s easy to see and feel his enormous zest for life.”
Former Star Trek actor and Internet funnyman George Takei will also speak at a panel on Saturday. Plus, there’s an event called Geek Speed Dating. C’mon, dorks, now you don’t have any excuse.
The Great Philadelphia Comic Con has a long set of policies for attendees you should probably read if you’re going. There’s a 20-percent-off coupon for a weekend pass on the event’s Facebook page.