Dice Raw Performing Free Show at Eastern State Penitentiary

Courtesy of Karl “Dice Raw” Jenkins

Courtesy of Karl “Dice Raw” Jenkins

Philly The Roots rapper Karl “Dice Raw” Jenkins is coming to town next week to host a free talk and performance at Eastern State Penitentiary.

Dice Raw will discuss his new solo album, Jimmy’s Back. The work is inspired by Dr. Michelle Alexander’s New York Times bestseller The New Jim Crow, and focuses on America’s black male incarceration epidemic. According to a press release from ESP, “black men are overrepresented in America’s criminal justice system, incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of White men. If current trends continue, one in three black males born today can expect to spend time in prison in his lifetime.”

After the discussion, Dice Raw will treat guests to a performance of a few tracks from Jimmy’s Back on the Penitentiary’s baseball field—all for the price of free.

The event—part of ESP’s Searchlight Series—takes place Tuesday, July 1st at 6 p.m. More information can be found here.