Jimmy Fallon and the Roots Get Their Own Ride at Universal Theme Park

Last night on The Tonight Show, host Jimmy Fallon could barely contain himself when he announced to the audience that a new The Tonight Show-themed thrill ride will open at NBCU’s Universal Orlando Resort in 2017. It’s called “Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon.”

“Do you know the Harry Potter rides and all that stuff?,” he asked the audience. “It’s like that, except instead of Harry Potter, it’s me, and instead of Hogwarts, it’s New York City.”

The ride will be 3-D and — because no Tonight Show ride would be complete without them — The Roots will be there along with Fallon deputy host Steve Higgins. “It’s fun, and it looks just like the studio,” Fallon explained. “Everyone — Higgins and The Roots are in it … and the best part about the whole thing … on the way out, there’s a gift shop where you can buy a T-shirt for $200.”

Fallon couldn’t give many more details, but at the end of his announcement he hinted that it may be a water ride! Check out the clip above.

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