WATCH: Tina Fey Put on the Spot to Name 20 Latino Performers

Billy Eichner (aka the guy who screams at people on the street then sticks a mic in their face) recently approached Upper Darby’s Tina Fey in New York to challenge her on the spot to name 20 Latino performers in 60 seconds. The reason? To see if the golden child can actually fail at something.

She gives it a good go, but struggles to get close to 20. She kind of remembers “the woman from Jane the Virgin,” and folks like J.Lo and Marc Anthony, and Freddie Prinze and Freddie Prinze Jr. Surprisingly, she forgets big-namers like Penelope Cruz and Selma Hayek, but hey, being put on the spot is tough for—even if you are Tina Fey. Check out the clip from Billy on the Street above.