Zombie Fans to Invade Philly Area Same Weekend as Pope
By now you’ve heard a lot about Pope Francis’s visit to Philadelphia, the culmination of the 2015 World Meeting of Families Catholic conference. You’ve heard more than you probably ever wanted to hear about it, and you’re going to keep hearing more and more about it in the coming six weeks.
There’s another event coming that weekend, one you might not have heard about. The same two days Pope Francis will be in Philadelphia disrupting traffic and preaching to millions, Walker Stalker Con is being held at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks. Yes, a zombie convention is coming to the area the same weekend as the Pope.
Walker Stalker Con has not yet released much of a schedule for the event, but a large number of actors and actresses from The Walking Dead are scheduled to appear.
The Walker Stalker Con is a spinoff of the Walker Stalkers Podcast, a two-man podcast about the show The Walking Dead. Per the site, the convention began when two Tennessee residents (James Frazier and Eric Nordhoff) made a trip to the show’s set.
The first Walker Stalker Con was held in Atlanta in 2013. There are 10 events, including a cruise, planned for this year and early next.