Cameron Crowe Calls Bradley Cooper an “Odd Bird” in Leaked Sony Emails

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This week, Wikileaks debuted an archive containing 173,000 of those hacked Sony emails that leaked in December. If you’re interested in the inner workings of the film business, you’ll find some of the offerings fascinating, like this one that finds an executive and director Cameron Crowe discussing Bradley Cooper and two of his co-stars, Bill Murray and Emma Stone, in Aloha. It at least gives a little insight into what Cooper’s like on set. More from AceShowBiz:
“Frankly, we have great options on all the performances except Bill Murray … who pretty much is what you saw,” Cameron wrote to then-Sony chairwoman Amy Pascal. She then replied, “Exactly the movie belongs to [Bradley] more than I realized in the process.”
Cameron later said of Emma, “I have the shot on Emma … It’s a movie star intro shot … Maybe time to put it back in … It is very powerful and overshadowed everything around it … But might feel different now.” He added in different email, “Big lesson from today … You don’t slip Emma in … Let’s give her fanfare again … Movie has now earned it.” …
The exchange was concluded with Cameron’s response, “Frankly Bradley is such an odd bird. Getting him right is tricky but he’s fine now so lets just let him cook where he is and take care of our girl … And her nuances … Little moves on her are huge as u know.”
Juicy as it can be, you have to wonder why WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange finds it important to put this kind of stuff out there. His answer, given in a statement yesterday: “This archive shows the inner workings of an influential multinational corporation. It is newsworthy and at the centre of a geo-political conflict. It belongs in the public domain. WikiLeaks will ensure it stays there.”
Aloha hits theaters on May 29th. Check out the trailer, which finds Cooper in all his odd-bird glory, below: