In the Wings: Our Chat With Field Hockey Hot Actress Jennie Eisenhower
The winner of two 2014 Broadway World Awards, Jennie Eisenhower is starring in the upcoming world premiere of Field Hockey Hot with 11th Hour Theatre Company. Inspired by pop tunes of the 1980s, Field Hockey Hot tells the story of a girls’ field hockey team that will stop at nothing to win. Of course, there wouldn’t be a story unless the star of the team gets injured just weeks before the national championship. Today, we chat with that star, who answers our rapid-fire Q&A about how she gets into character and what Philly restaurant she frequents.
My name is… Jennie Eisenhower. I also answer to Julie, Jeanie and Ike, but NOT Jennifer—it’s Jennie on my birth certificate.
I am … an actor, singer, (occasional) dancer, director, teacher, yogi, junk-TV enthusiast, wife and mom to a one-and-a-half-year-old named Chloe.
On opening night … I usually feel like I’m watching myself act from outside my body. It’s pretty stressful. So I like to party after the show is over. And by party I mean drink stout and stay up past midnight.
My favorite part of the show … I have a different favorite song or line every day! There is so much wacky, funny material. My current favorite: “One Locker Away,” the Madonna-themed number.
To get into character for this show I … channel the most competitive, aggressive, non-zen parts of myself, my 9th grade gym and health teacher, and a dash of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. If there was a Main Line installment, I’d use them.
My first stage kiss … was also my first actual kiss (cue the sad violins). I was 15 and a late bloomer. It was for a musical at my summer camp. It was in front of 30 people and not romantic.
The first play I was in … was my middle school’s production of Oliver and I played The Artful Dodger. Once a character actor, always a character actor.

Eisenhower in ‘Field Hockey Hot.’
My dream role is … currently Francesca in The Bridges of Madison County (the musical).
My surprising celebrity crush is … No one surprising these days, but I used to crush on animated characters. I was way into Bart Simpson when I was in 7th grade. Also Robin Hood (from the Disney animated movie) and She-Ra.
The most famous person I’ve ever met … (at least in my opinion) is Liza Minnelli.
The last thing I binge-watched … Girls seasons 1-3, and now I’m working on 4. For some reason Comcast is offering all of Girls for free right now. Whenever Comcast gives anything away for free I jump on it just to justify my ridiculous cable bill.
To stay in shape I … Dead lift my toddler, work out on my precor, and do yoga.
The last time I dined out in Philadelphia, I ate … Percy Street Barbecue. My husband and I take Chloe there because it’s delicious and no one flashes judgy looks when Chloe gives herself mac and cheese facials. Any food establishment that provides rolls of paper towels at the table is where it’s at for us these days.
The best show you saw in Philly recently? It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to get to anything because it’s been a busy season, but I enjoyed Mauckingbird Theatre Company‘s Hot and Cole this winter. They’re a great small company that produces gay-themed works. I appreciate their mission and love their shows.
The best thing about Philadelphia’s theater scene is … the people involved in it. And the fact that you can make a living here as an artist and also have a life outside the arts (and a car for Target runs)—something I struggled with when I was pursing theatre in New York.
‘Field Hockey Hot’ runs from March 5-22 at The Adrienne Theatre. For tickets and more information, click here.