WATCH: Taylor Swift In Her 8th Grade Class Project Video at Wyomissing Area Junior High School
[UPDATE, 5:43 p.m.] It appears that the video has been made private. We’ll keep our eyes peeled for the next adorable Taylor Swift video to hit the Internet.
[ORIGINAL] Last week our patriotic hearts swelled as a video of a 12-year-old Taylor Swift singing the National Anthem at a Sixers game made its way around the web. This week, another oldie but goodie of the Wyomissing, Pa., native has resurfaced, showing Swift starring in a video for her 8th grade Investigative Studies class at Wyomissing Area Junior High School. The video in question is an ad for “Paco’s Paradise Smoothies,” and Swift—not looking too different than she did when she got her start—stars as “Island Girl 1.” Look out for her coming in around the :52 mark, but the laughs don’t stop there—in the credits an unfortunate typo refers to her as “Talyor Swift.”