14 Philadelphia Schools Awarded Arts Grants

Bache-Martin Elementary School receives a $4,500 Picasso Project grant. Pictured L-R, Kathy O’Connell, Gretchen Elise Walker, Steven Segal, Jen MacNeill, Jocelyn Goldstein, Sharon DeSalvo, Annete Monnier, Yvette Duperon, Councilwoman Cindy Bass, Councilman David Oh.

Bache-Martin Elementary School receives a $4,500 Picasso Project grant. Pictured L-R, Kathy O’Connell, Gretchen Elise Walker, Steven Segal, Heidi Siegel, Annete Monnier, Sharon DeSalvo, Jen MacNeill, Jocelyn Goldstein, Councilwoman Cindy Bass, Councilman David Oh. Photo courtesy of Anthony Hopkins (PCCY).

The Picasso Project, a Public Citizens for Children and Youth (PCCY) foundation that provides “mini-grants” to schools with limited arts budgets, has divvied out $60,000 in arts monies to 14 area schools.

The grant program — started 12 years ago — has resulted in 121 citywide arts projects, and, according to a 2013 survey from Picasso Project grant winners, an overall improved climate in 98 percent of schools. The study also showed that 77 percent of those asked felt that the grant had a “positive or extremely positive impact on their school’s ability to gain additional arts resources.”

The awards were handed out at a ceremony yesterday at World Cafe Live. Here’s the list of schools that received between $2,250 to $4,500: