Should You Sign a Prenup? This Guide Will Help You Decide
Prenups are (obviously) not one of the more romantic topics we discuss here on the blog, but they are nonetheless an important aspect of tying the knot. Whether you and your to-be plan to sign one is completely up to the two of you, but either way, it’s beneficial to at least have an understanding of what these pre-marriage agreements entail.
We understand that it can all be a bit confusing, which is why we found this post on the topic to be extremely helpful. The author is both a bride-to-be and an attorney, so not only can she relate to other engaged ladies who are facing the prenup conversation, she most definitely understands the ins and outs.
The article breaks down what, exactly, a prenup is and how to determine if one is right for you. It never hurts to know your options, so head on over here to get informed.
RELATED: What a Business-Owner Bride Should Know Before Tying the Knot
RELATED: Just So You Know, Social Media Clauses in Prenups Are Now Becoming a Thing
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