Puppy Love Valentine’s Party
Last night, Smokin’ Betty’s and Devil’s Alley hosted the Puppy Love Valentine’s Party to raise money for the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PSPCA). Nearly 100 four-legged friends walked their two-legged friends to the event at the 23rd Street Armory to munch on doggie treats, drink water and sniff each other … I mean make friends. Below: Angela Perfetto with Livy (Pomeranian-Bichon), Julie Dorenbos, Susie Celek, with Bruiser her Bernese Mountain Dog, and Maria Papadakis, who was event hostess.
Below: Ashley Falkow gives her dog, Hailey Heart, a little love.
Below: Susan Schlisman, owner of Smokin’ Betty’s and Devil’s Alley, Chris Young, GM at Devil’s Alley, and Emily Smith, GM at Smokin Betty’s. Schlisman created the event to raise funds for local animal shelters. She’s a lifelong animal lover and advocate, has volunteered with the PSPCA.
Below: Bonnie Hay is with Scooter, who is wearing his Christmas sweater. He also owns a Phillies jersey and a Halloween dinosaur outfit.
Below: Ian Butler and GN Kang with Regina. I know Regina, and she has a closet full of clothes that rivals GN’s closet. Regina is in love with Ian as much as GN is and vice versa; he’s willing to give her the coat off his back to keep her warm. Chivalry is not dead.
Below: Ashley Johnson and Zach Lashway, both from PHL 17’s Eye Opener Philly morning show, with their dogs.
Below: Mandy Tsnag and Carl Naylor went all the way to Hong Kong to rescue Penny. After her owner abandoned Penny, Mandy’s parents took her in until Mandy arrived to take her to her new home in the USA.
Below: Sebastian is screaming, “I’m ready for my close-up.”
Below: Scott Carpel and pretty-in-pink Belle, who is a three-year-old Siberian husky.
Below: Ashley Taylor with her dog, Mischa, who only has a bow in her closet.
Below: Penny Ordway, owner of Eviama Life Spa, with Kory Aversa, Aversa PR, and his dog, Buster.
Below: Alexander Hankin is taking the weekend to think about whether he should adopt Patches, from the PSPCA, or finish law school first?
Below: Camon Cello and Willard.
Below: Megan McGrory with Dwayne, who was rescued from a California shelter called All You Need Is Love. It seems that California has an abundance of abandoned Chihuahua dogs and will ship them to the East Coast for adoption.
Below: Tom Kennedy, and Frankie (a Boston Terrier who is two-and-a-half).
Below: I take my job very seriously, and when Kerry and Adriana O’Connor said these doggie treats would help Zoey look my way, I was prepared to do anything I could to get that to happen. I didn’t know I was supposed to tease the dog, and not get too close. I’ll stick to photographing people.
Below: John Baackes feeds his dog, Tucker, a few sweet doggie treats from Ms. Goody Cupcake. Owner Gigi Andrew (center) tells me she’s started a new doggie snack line, and this one is called the Banana Mutt Cookie, which consists of apples, oats, banana and peanuts.
Below: Kareema Nunley adopted Waffles from the Morris Animal Refuge a few years back. Join Fox 29’s Sue Serio for the Morris Animal Refuge’s 16th Annual Fur Ball on Saturday, February 16th at 8:30 p.m. at the University of the Arts.
Below: Jessica Gilbert and Nick Brozek with Mason, the St. Bernard who looks like he’s saying it’s time to go home buddy, I need some peanut butter and some bourbon—which I hear are Mason’s favorites. All funds raised at Puppy Love will be donated to the PSPCA. What a fun event! See you next year at the 7th Annual Puppy Love.