
Be Well Philly

The Checkup: The Many Benefits of a Six-Hour Work Day

• Get this: Employers in Sweden have been test driving a six-hour work day and have all sorts of amazing things to report about their employees’ increased […]


Why it’s the Perfect Time to Switch Jobs, Especially in Philly

The economy has been all over the news lately, with the volatile stock market taking center stage. Overall, it’s growing, though not as quickly as […]


84 Percent of Philly CFOs Are Hiring, But Many Can’t Find Talented People

Good news on the jobs front: 84 percent of Philadelphia chief financial officers say they’re hiring, but many are finding it difficult to find talented candidates. A new […]


2016: The Year of Big Pay Raises

As the economic recovery continues, employers have a choice: Make talented workers feel appreciated or risk losing them to a competitor. What better way to show the […]


The Trendy Employee Perk: Shipping Breast Milk

Imagine this scenario: You’re a working mom who’s just recently returned from maternity leave. You’re still nursing and trying to find a secluded place in […]


Bachelor’s Degrees Leading to Highest Salaries

A bachelor’s degree today is basically like a high school diploma 20 years ago. Everybody’s got one and the only way to get a decent salary […]


5 Tips to Master Your Morning Routine Like a Millionaire

“For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, […]


Gap Ending Controversial On-Call Shifts

Doctors should be on call. Psychologists with suicidal patients should be on call. But retail workers? Not so much. Still, Gap Inc. and other retailers have forced employees to be […]

Be Well Philly

The Checkup: Why Science Says You Should Watch Cat Videos at Work

• Who needs endless Starbucks soy lattes when you have cat videos? As a new video from the American Chemical Society points out, science shows […]

Be Well Philly

Why Science Says You Should Really (Really!) Work Less 

If you work upward of 55 hours on a regular week, you might want to cut back in the name of health (not to mention […]


5 Tips For a Memorable Elevator Pitch

A good “elevator pitch” is an essential tool in any professional’s arsenal. Although the term started as a way to explain your business and try to make a sale if you landed […]


Burnout at Work? Follow These 5 Tips

It’s the middle of August. The sun is shining, kids are out of school and it’s scorching hot outside — but you’re likely to still […]


Worked to Death: Court Rules for Widow of Employee “Jackhammering All Day”

Was Robert Dietz worked to death by a suburban municipal authority? His widow argued that he was, and has just been awarded workers compensation benefits by the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court. […]


Netflix and Microsoft Just Transformed Maternity Benefits

You may have noticed last week that Netflix and Microsoft made big changes to their maternity benefits. Netflix instituted an unlimited leave policy for new parents during […]


How to Hire Awesome People

For CEOs, recruiters and managers, hiring can be a stress-filled situation. No matter which way you look at it, welcoming a new team member into […]