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City Life

Four Ways Election Day in Philly Could Go Terribly Wrong

As the 2020 general election draws ever nearer, COVID-19, delays at the post office, and the economic crisis threaten to turn early November here into […]

City Life

These Are the Worst Four Words You Can Tell Philly Voters Right Now

Last week, the Democrats made their case for why Americans should vote blue in the November 3rd presidential election. Republicans are now making the case […]

City Life

White Democrats, It’s Time for You to Get Your People to Vote

As the Democratic National Convention finally takes off, Black voters are infighting more than ever. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s pick of California Senator Kamala […]

City Life

Is It Just Me, or Do the Philly Feds Really Hate Larry Krasner?

A roundup of Philly news. This article may be updated at any time as new information becomes available. U.S. Attorney William McSwain Comes Out Swinging […]

City Life

Citizens of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, Push Your Leaders to Get Election Day Right

The past four months have presented us with a series of careening crises. Another potential crisis looms large, but we know this one’s coming, and […]

Clarissa Dunston, a 103-year-old south philadelphia woman who insisted on voting in the primary
City Life

103-Year-Old South Philly Woman Insisted On Going to Vote After Mail-In Ballot Didn’t Show Up

There’s been a lot of bad news to report lately, and that’s what I’ve spent most of the last three months doing. So when I […]

City Life

Here Are All the Places You Can Drop Off Your Mail-In Ballot

Philadelphia area voters concerned that their mail-in ballots won’t arrive at their county election office by the deadline now have lots of other options. Mail-in […]

City Life

Pennsylvania’s Big Mail-In Primary Could Get Messy. What You Need to Know to Make Your Vote Count

Four years ago, you probably didn’t think it was possible, but if you’re beginning to feel that the 2020 presidential primary could end up just […]

City Life

Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Filling in Your Surprisingly Complicated Mail-In Ballot

So you got your election ballot in the mail. Great! Now you can vote without ever showing up at the polls. Assuming many of you […]

mail-in ballot
City Life

Everyone in Pennsylvania Should Sign Up for a Mail-In Ballot. Here’s How.

Let Wisconsin serve as a warning: You should take all the precautionary measures you can during the COVID-19 pandemic, including during the all-important process of […]

NextHealth PHL

The Emergency Room Is the New Place to Register to Vote

In a battleground state like Pennsylvania, a million votes can easily swing an election toward an unexpected outcome. In Pennsylvania, more than 9.7 million people […]

voting machines
City Life

These Two Lawsuits Could Force Philly to Purchase New Voting Machines

Who knew something as seemingly mundane as voting machines could generate so much conflict? Then again, maybe we should know better — this is Philadelphia, […]

i voted sticker
City Life

Have an Idea to Spruce Up Philly’s “I Voted” Sticker? Now’s Your Chance.

Look, we get it. Voting in American can be a chore. It happens on a work day. Your polling place might have a line longer […]

pa absentee ballot
City Life

New Online Absentee Ballot Request Makes Voting in Pa. … Marginally Easier

We have a lot of elections here in America, so it’s not unlikely that, at one point or another, you’ve been out of town on […]

voting machines
City Life

You Can Personally Test Philly’s Controversial New Voting Machines

Everyone agrees that voting is important, but in true Philly fashion, the city government can’t seem to reach consensus on how we should cast our ballots — as […]