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Vince Fumo

City Life

Yes, Vince Fumo Has No Bananas

It’s a long way down from being the most powerful man in Pennsylvania politics. Former State Sen. Vince Fumo can barely get a fresh banana […]

City Life

Judge in Fumo Case Is Disgrace to Federal Bench

Get a hit just one out of three times, and you’re in the Hall of Fame. Get nine out of 10 problems right on a […]

City Life

Vince Fumo Sentenced to Five Years

Just after 3 p.m. today, former state Senator Vince Fumo—who was convicted of more than 130 counts of corruption-related charges—was sentenced to 61 months in […]

City Life

Fumo’s New Sentence to Be Rendered at 3 p.m.

A new sentence will be handed down to former state Senator Vince Fumo at 3 p.m. today. The court has adjourned until then. [Inquirer]

City Life

Paterno Fired, Penn State Riots

Students Riot After Board of Trustees Fires Joe Paterno. Last night Joe Paterno was fired by Penn State’s Board of Trustees over the phone. President […]

City Life

Today In Corruption: Philadelphia’s $780,540 Secret

It’s hard enough to have much faith in Philadelphia’s political system these days. But when judges appear to pull punches, then all is lost. Consider […]

City Life

Vince Fumo vs. the Daily News?

Vince Fumo, you’ve no doubt noticed, is back in the news. Hardly a surprise. Even when he got carted off to the pokey, we knew […]

City Life

Poor Vince Fumo. Prison’s Rough, Huh?

If you’re a lifelong Philadelphian, you know there are five things you can count on: 1. You’ll be able to find delicious cannoli in South […]

City Life

Vince Fumo Deserves a New Trial

Lost in last week’s coverage of the earthquake, Hurricane Irene and Queen Arlene, was the appeals court ruling surrounding the short prison sentence given to […]