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Things to Do

Theatre Exile Wins Big at 2015 Barrymore Awards

It was a big night for Theatre Exile as the company’s production The Whale took home a ton of Barrymore Awards, making them the most-winning theater of the year at […]

Things to Do

REVIEW: Equivocation at Arden Theatre Company

The deeply satirical, deeply dark, and deeply humorous Equivocation opened this Wednesday evening at the Arden’s Arcadia Stage, and the Bill Cain play is so good […]

Things to Do

REVIEW: Bullets Over Broadway at Academy of Music

Olive, a stripper who wants to be a serious actress, says this of her previous stage experience in the musical Bullets Over Broadway: “I call it interpretive […]

Things to Do

Luna Theater Homeless After Two Years at The Parish House

Luna Theater sent out an email to its supporters this morning notifying them that the company is essentially homeless after being housed for two years in […]

Things to Do

REVIEW: Theatre Exile’s Rizzo

A special theatrical alchemy happens when a great actor plays a bigger-than-life, flawed but charismatic personality. Think of Orson Welles’s Charles Foster Kane, Burt Lancaster’s […]

Things to Do

REVIEW: Wilma Theater’s Antigone

When I was a theater student, I was fascinated by stories of the Greek tragedies in their earliest performances — multi-day outdoor festivals, attended by […]

Things to Do

Inis Nua Theatre Company “Hooks” Fergie’s Pub for Season Opener

It makes a lot of sense that a theater company whose mission is to stage provocative theater from Ireland, Scotland and Wales might get a little […]

Things to Do

17 Things to Do in Philly This Week

Things to Do

Late Mayor Frank Rizzo Comes to Life in New Stage Play

Play readings don’t normally culminate in shouting matches or near-fistfights, but leave it to this world premiere about our controversial late mayor to change that. […]

Things to Do

Arden Theatre Company’s Latest to Be Set in a 2,600-Gallon Pool

If you know the work of Mary Zimmerman, the theatre artist whose play Metamorphoses opens the season of Philly’s Arden Theatre Company this year, you know […]

Things to Do

9 Must-See Independent Shows at the Fringe Festival

As usual, there’s way too much to see at this year’s 19th iteration of the Fringe Festival, with 143 different events split between the “curated” […]

Things to Do

10 Must-See Curated Shows at the 2015 Fringe Festival

As usual, there’s way too much to see at this year’s 19th iteration of the Fringe Festival, with 143 different events split between the “curated” […]

Things to Do

2015 Barrymore Nominees Announced, Suburban Companies Lead the Pack

It’s a story of outsiders … outside of Philly, that is. The 2015 Barrymore Award nominees for Philadelphia Theatre Excellence were announced this afternoon. Norristown-based Theatre Horizon‘s […]

Things to Do

Gender Transition to Unfold on Stage in Local Theater Series

The [redacted] Theater Company will present the first in a series documenting one person’s gender transformation at the FringeArts Festival from August 28th to the 30th. This Damned Body Is Carved […]

Things to Do

Arden Delays 2015-2016 Season Due to Pope Visit

The Arden Theatre Company announced today that it’s pushing back its 2015-2016 season due to Pope Francis’s visit at the end of September. But only by a little. […]