
City Life

Women Are the New Men

When Kate Taylor published her article in the New York Times about sex on college campuses it cut right to the loins of men. How […]

City Life

PHOTOS: Northeast Philly’s Miss August Val Keil

Earlier this year, Northeast native Val Keil was your average young woman in Philadelphia, juggling bar jobs and getting hit on by Bernie Parent. Now, […]

City Life

Can We Stop Piling on Riley Cooper and Anthony Weiner?

Philadelphia Eagle Riley Cooper really stepped in it. He uttered one of the most vile, racist, and derogatory slurs out there, one that not only […]

City Life

6 Reasons I’d Hire Anthony Weiner

So Anthony Weiner is doing a little sexting. So what? He didn’t really cheat on his wife. And it’s not as if cheating on your […]

City Life

Why Celebrity Women Don’t Tweet Photos of Their Vaginas

Last week’s installment of the ongoing saga of Anthony Weiner’s weiner got me to thinking about vaginas. Why is it that male celebrities — Brett […]

City Life

Why Can’t Philly Strippers Get The Comcast Treatment?

Let’s call Philadelphia’s tax on lap dances what it really is: A tax on work. Now, you can argue that the work is gross, and […]

City Life

New Ad for Philly Sports Clubs, Er, Pokes Fun at Anthony Weiner

Weinergate Vol. II has…extended to Philly. The below ad will appear in this Sunday’s Inquirer. Zing! And the pile-on continues over at the New Yorker, which […]

City Life

In Defense of the Dick Pic

I’ve never taken a dick pic. Sorry, that’s a lie. The first time I got a digital camera, when I was 13 or 14, I […]

City Life

Fired for Being Too Pretty?

A young female, a recent high-school graduate, smiled at the big burly man in the navy blue suit. He sat behind a 3-foot-wide desk. She […]

City Life

Why I’m Disappointed In Huma Abedin

Earlier this week, the Weiner Engine That Still Thinks It Can paraded out Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner’s wife, to speak about his most recent indecencies. […]

City Life

Strip Clubs: Lap Dances Are “American Theater”

We’re frankly a bit skeptical of Mayor Nutter’s plan to tax lap dances in the city, but we have to admit that the arguments against […]

City Life

Anthony Weiner and the Seductive Power of the Dick Pic

In all of human history, I wonder: Has a woman ever been seduced by a dick pic? My reason for asking this question should be […]

City Life

WATCH: Colbert Makes Fun With NYT Penn Hookup Article

Oh, yeah, this was on last Thursday and we’re just bringing it to you now. In our defense: Colbert is on really late. And we […]

City Life

Photos: A.C.’s $25 Million Strip Club

Casino pastimes like gambling, smoking and boozing seem to go hand-in-hand with sex, and yet there has never been a gentleman’s club, strip club, nudie […]

City Life

Have You and Your Girlfriends Gotten Naked for a Photographer Lately?

There are reports in the media that something called a “special event boudoir photography party” is a growing trend in the U.S., with some photographers […]