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City Life

He’s Ugly. She’s Hot. The Perils of Up-Dating

Do you know anyone who is up-dating? (Or updating?) Do you know what up-dating is? Because we just can’t help ourselves from making up new […]

City Life

The Congressman and the Bikini Model

It was during the State of the Union speech, as President Obama was making his way down the aisle to the podium, that Congressman Steve […]

City Life

Do Women Secretly Love to Be Called MILFs?

If the Twitter Diet isn’t working for you, or your fingers are tired from all that tweeting, maybe you should try the MILF Diet. Yes. […]

City Life

I Keep Watching Girls Because it Keeps Making Me So Uncomfortable

  I finally sat down and watched the most recent, much-discussed episode of Girls last night. I’ve been putting it off, not because I don’t […]

City Life

How Does One Ask to See the Whips-and-Handcuffs Room at Coeur?

A New York Times story today discusses how the naughty masterpiece Fifty Shades of Grey has been very, very good to the lingerie industry, with […]

City Life

It’s National Mistress Day. Do You Know Where Your Husband Is?

Dear Monica, Is it true that February 13th is now being referred to as “Mistress Day”? Women need to be in the know. —E.L., Wynnewood

City Life

One Thing Philadelphia Does Well: Adultery

Philadelphia may not be the most-literate city in the United States, but there’s one area where we excel: Fornication. AshleyMadison.com, the adultery website last seen […]

City Life

Philly Is a Great Place to Be a Single Dude

Philadelphia ranks fourth in a roundup of best cities for single men, CBS Philly reports: The list, which was compiled by NerdWallet, focused on three factors […]

City Life

Too Much Downton Abbey Is Bad For Your Manhood

What with the Beyoncé halftime extravaganza and the mysterious third-quarter blackout that lasted for half an hour, Sunday night’s Super Bowl was even longer than […]

City Life

The Women of Downton Abbey vs. Women of the Super Bowl

This Sunday night looks to be another classic match-up between a heavy favorite and a hapless underdog. No, not the 49ers and the Ravens—the Super […]

City Life

Seven Ways Women Ruin Their Relationships

Dear Monica, I am having trouble sustaining long-term relationships. What do you think I am doing that makes men back off?   —J. P., Springfield

City Life

Shocking Allegation: Women Had Sex Before Fifty Shades of Grey Came Out

I am so very glad that ABC News has decided that women enjoy porn and that we are no longer ashamed about it. I mean, […]

City Life

VIDEO: Cassidy’s “Condom Style” Ode to Consequence-Free Sex

Yes, you’ve seen a million “Gagnam Style” parody videos by now—but you probably haven’t seen the video from Philly rapper Cassidy Da Hustla, and his […]

City Life

Women Have an Obligation to Keep Their Legs Shaved

Let me know if you’ve ever heard a lament that sounds like this one: “I’m a nice guy. I really am. I’m nice to women […]

City Life

When Will Middle-Aged People Stop Telling Millennials the Internet Is the Devil?

In the latest installment of the Atlantic‘s series on our doomed generation (see August’s “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” and May’s “Is Facebook […]