richard basciano

victorian courtroom

Building Collapse Legal Q&A: Who Pays Out? Who Gets Sued?

The lawyers are gathering–that much we know. But who is legally responsible for what happened? Or, perhaps better said, who will be targeted as legally […]

building collapse day after

Photos: Building Collapse, the Day After, By Laura Kicey

After search and rescue, it’s a different kind of work.

excavator photo

Seriously? Man Operating Vehicle During Building Collapse Is on Record As Bad Vehicle Operator

Sean Benschop was the man operating the excavator–a giant vehicle of far greater complication than an automobile–when the building collapsed at 22nd and Market. Given […]

building collapse philadelphia

Building Collapse News: Demolition Contractor Appears to Be Just Some Guy With a Criminal Record Who Was Staggeringly Negligent

We now know that the demolition contractor was Griffin-Campbell Construction, and that the architect Platos Marinakos Jr., who filed the demolition permits, was only hired […]

building collapse

Building Collapse: Owner Is Richard “Porn King” Basciano, a Sam Rappaport Alum [UPDATE]

Today the four-story building once known as Hoagie City at 2136 Market Street collapsed and took much of the Salvation Army Thrift Store down with […]