

Restaurant Week Sets Records

The Fall 2012 Center City District Restaurant Week was the most successful to date. 132 restaurants participated (a 10.9% increase from last year) 240,845 diners […]


Time Sweetens Restaurant Week Deal with Beer#PHLRW

Time is offering a fun addition to Restaurant Week this evening as they are tapping a special firkin of Brooklyn Brewing Bitter. They’re also offering a […]


Tonight: Make It a BYOB Night for Restaurant Week #PHLRW

Sometimes a $35 Restaurant Week deal doesn’t resemble a $35 check when you factor in alcohol. Check out these BYOBs to keep the price right […]


Tonight: Six Savory Plates at Sampan #PHLRW

Very few Restaurant Week menus offer lobster ceviche but Sampan does. It is also the only restaurant offering six savory plates.  Check out the menu […]


Follow Restaurant Week on Twitter #PHLRW

Follow Center City Philadelphia’s Restaurant Week on Twitter. [tgw title=”Restaurant Week” subject=”Restaurant Week Tweets” username=”foobooz” search=”PhilaRestWeek OR phlRW” type=”search” list=”Twitter List Name” theme=”phlRW”] Add to […]


Marc Vetri on Restaurant Week #PHLRW

“RW is a short sighted way for restaurants to make a quick buck by lowering their standards, making one menu so its easy to turn […]


Your Guide to Restaurant Week

The biggest Center City Restaurant Week yet is set to begin on Sunday, September 30th. 132 restaurants will be participating this time around on the […]


Main Line Restaurant Week Kicks Off September 24th

Across the Main Line and the ‘burbs, restaurants are teaming up to participate in Main Line Restaurant Week 2012. From September 24th to the 30th […]


Manayunk StrEAT Food Festival

To kick off Manayunk’s Restaurant Week – September 30th-October 5 – Manayunk is holding its first StrEAT Food Festival on Main Street on Saturday September […]


Restaurant Week Sets Fall Dates, Record Number of Participants

Mark your calendars for September 30 – October 5 and October 7 – 12. Whether you’re marking them because you are thrilled that the Center City […]


Fairmount Celebrates Barnes Foundation Opening With Restaurant Week

Restaurants around the Benjamin Franklin Parkway are teaming up to create Fairmount Restaurant Week. Local restaurants will be celebrating the city’s art scene by providing […]


Restaurant Week Sets Records

The January Center City District Restaurant Week set records for dinners and sales generated. Though some complain about Restaurant Week, the economic impact is hard […]


Tonight: So Can You Eat at Amis for $35?

Marc Vetri doesn’t think there is much of a deal to be had during Restaurant Week. So we wondered, can you get a good meal […]


Tonight: Make It Midtown Village

Tonight we dial up the Corner for your Restaurant Week dining pleasure. Plenty of comfort food extras from chef John Taus.


Tonight: A Real Restaurant Week Deal and Where to Take Your Padma Look-Alike

Keeping with our week long theme of pitting Restaurant Week against non-Restaurant Week picks, tonight we suggest Percy Street Barbecue where the $35 price tag […]