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2020 election results
City Life

5 Things to Watch for as Pennsylvania Election Day Results Trickle In

Well, folks, the countdown to Election Day is over. Hooray? Forgive us if we’re not quite feeling relieved. Because as one countdown ends, others begin: […]

City Life

If Biden Wins the White House, Here’s What He Owes Philly

Election Day is finally here, and — as you may have heard somewhere — it all comes down to Pennsylvania. In 2016, Trump did what […]

City Life

The 5 Things Philly Democrats Need to Do in the Final Week Before Election Day

It’s finally here: the last week of an unprecedented presidential election cycle. After months of mudslinging, some very unhinged televised debates, and a bizarre series […]

The 76 Most Influential People in Philadelphia Right Now

Clout is something you feel, not something you measure. It’s highly subjective. And yet by any gauge, our idea of power players — and what […]

NextHealth PHL

Joe Biden and Donald Trump Have Very Different Plans For Your Health Care

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to claim lives around the globe, health care has become a key point of discussion among voters preparing to choose […]

City Life

Q&A: Kamala Harris Explains How She and Joe Biden Will Address Philly’s Biggest Challenges

California Senator Kamala Harris made history this year as the first Black woman ever to receive the vice presidential nomination from a major American political […]

City Life

If You’re Not Voting in This Election, Yes, I’m Judging You

With less than a month before the general election, I have to admit that I’m getting pretty damn nervous. Each week, there’s a new diabolical […]

City Life

Do Democrats Want to Be Right, Or Do They Want to Win?

This week, we’ll hit the less-than-30-days mark before Election Day 2020 — and it’s starting to feel like 2016 all over again. On October 7th, […]

bill mcswain
City Life

U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain Is Proof That, One Way or Another, Trumpism Will Live on Past the Election

On February 12th of this year, at the Union League’s annual Lincoln Day celebration in Philadelphia, Bill McSwain, the U.S. Attorney for Eastern Pennsylvania, gave […]

philly census
City Life

Philly Is Seriously Lagging in Its Census Response — Which Could Be a Very Costly Problem

Remember the census? You could be forgiven for not keeping it top of mind. But the once-in-a-decade national population survey casts a very long shadow […]

a barricade near the parkway encampment in philadelphia
City Life

I Fear the Parkway Encampment Crisis Could End Up Like the MOVE Bombing

In some ways, 2020 is starting to feel like 1985. Right now, a group of vulnerable and displaced people is actively defying the city’s demand […]

City Life

To Combat Philadelphia Gun Violence, We Must Dismantle the Office of Violence Prevention

At this point, to describe our city as a broken record in how it responds to gun violence would be an understatement. Here’s how it […]

City Life

With Indoor Dining Faux Pas, It’s Official: Jim Kenney Can’t Read the Room

After a summer of strict (and necessary) COVID-19 regulations surrounding our city’s restaurant scene, Mayor Jim Kenney had to go screw it all up. When […]

City Life

These Are the Worst Four Words You Can Tell Philly Voters Right Now

Last week, the Democrats made their case for why Americans should vote blue in the November 3rd presidential election. Republicans are now making the case […]

City Life

White Democrats, It’s Time for You to Get Your People to Vote

As the Democratic National Convention finally takes off, Black voters are infighting more than ever. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s pick of California Senator Kamala […]