Penn Law

City Life

Of Course Penn Is Complicit in Amy Wax’s Racism. Of Course Penn Should Fire Her.

In 2017, University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax co-wrote a controversial op-ed for the Philadelphia Inquirer suggesting that America’s social and political problems are […]

City Life

UPDATE: Penn Law Dean Relieves Controversial Professor of Some Teaching Duties

UPDATE, 3/13, 6:30 p.m.: Late Tuesday afternoon, Theodore Ruger, dean of the University of Pennsylvania School of Law, informed students and faculty by email that […]

City Life

Penn Prof Faces Backlash for Saying “Not All Cultures Are Created Equal”

A professor at the University of Pennsylvania is being harshly criticized for calling for the “re-embrace of bourgeois norms” in an op-ed published Thursday on […]

Penn Law

Charles Koch Foundation Gives $2.2M to Penn Law School

The foundation founded by Charles Koch, known for his financial dedication to libertarian and conservative causes, is donating $2.2 million to Penn Law. The money will […]


Penn’s New Combined Medical-Law Degree Perfect for Overachievers

The University of Pennsylvania is creating a program that will allow students to pursue both law and medicine — at the same time. Through the joint […]

City Life

Yes, That’s 2002 Olympic Gold Medalist Sarah Hughes Studying at Penn Law

Back in 2002, the come-from-nowhere tale of Sarah Hughes to win the ice skating gold medal at the Olympics was one of the biggest sports stories […]

City Life

How Penn Law Became One of the Nation’s Most Gay-Friendly Schools

THE STORY HAS become something of a legend, told around the table every year at an annual chili supper for Penn Law’s gay and lesbian population […]