Old Reviews


Craig LaBan Reviews Fork & Barrel

Craig LaBan visits Fork & Barrel, the serious beer outpost with the interesting food menu in East Falls. [C]hef Peter Felton’s game-inspired menu in the […]


The Year in Bells

Craig LaBan wrote the year in bells for yesterday’s Inquirer, highlighting 2010’s pizza trend and the continued importance of craft beer. As for the bells, […]


Im-pressed with Zinc

A silver presse brings Craig LaBan into Zinc Bistro a Vins where he finds more than just pressed duck that pleases. Zinc’s menu has settled […]


LaBan Not Impressed with Hop Angel

Craig LaBan is not impressed with Hop Angel Brauhaus, the German-flavored bar and restaurant from Mike “Scoates” Scotese of Grey Lodge success. The best reasons […]


Three Bells for Barbuzzo

Craig LaBan teaches us a new word this week; Doyenne – A woman who is the most respected or prominent person in a particular field. […]


Glitz Does Not Mean Fake at Le Viet

Craig LaBan finds that Le Viet’s goodness isn’t only skin deep as the restaurant provides Authentic Vietnamese flavors. When I think of the dishes that […]


A Great Porter from the Great Lakes

Craig LaBan has some heady praise for Edmund Fitzgerald Porter from Great Lakes Brewing Co. The porter has just recently become available on draft. According […]


From Owner to Chef at Avalon

Craig LaBan’s review of Avalon comes with an interesting side-story. Owner John Brandt-Lee went has become the chef under the tutelage of former chef, Clark […]


Craig Coos Over Couscous

Craig LaBan descends the steps on 17th Street and into Argan Moroccan Cuisine looking for authentic couscous and finds what he’s looking for. Beyond the […]


Cajun Swagger at Catahoula

It isn’t perfect but Catahoula takes Craig LaBan back to his Times Picayune days. [W]hen I put a spoon into Martin’s return-to-roots bowl of chicken-and-andouille […]


Cutting Edge Food at Charcoal

It’s ultra-modern micr0gastronomy at Charcoal in Yardley. Diner by day, the brother-run restaurant becomes a cutting edge restaurant at night and although Craig LaBan finds […]


How to Spend $500 on Wine

How should a lucky newlywed couple spend $500 on wine. Four local wine experts give their advice. The newlywed cellar [Philadelphia Inquirer] Four ways to […]


Radice Receives 3-Bells

Craig LaBan heads to a Blue Bell shopping center to check out Radice, an Italian restaurant turning out refined rustic dishes. There are plenty of […]


Levin & Coll Chat with LaBan

Matt Levin from Adsum and Anne Coll from Meritage are joining Craig LaBan for his online chat at 2pm today. Craig LaBan Chat [Philly.com]


Sonata Sings a Pretty Tune

Craig LaBan sings a praising song to Mark Tropea, owner and chef of Sonata in Northern Liberties. But if ever there was a higher purpose […]