Net Neutrality


With Net Neutrality Gone, Comcast Says It Won’t Block or Slow Your Internet

Monday marked the official death of our government’s net neutrality rules, putting an end to a regulated open internet. The rules required broadband providers like […]


Pa. Could Be the Next State to Force Net Neutrality by Executive Order

It’s been about a month since the FCC voted to roll back Obama-era net neutrality rules, and since then, two states — Montana and New […]


Without Net Neutrality, We Can’t Trust Comcast to Do What’s Right

While I and my organization have fought for an open and accountable media for years, I was delighted last week to show up at a […]


What the FCC’s Net Neutrality Decision Means for Comcast (and You)

Comcast Center. andrewhuynh265 | iStock When the Republican-led Federal Communications Commission repealed Obama-era net neutrality regulations last week, all eyes turned to Comcast. The Philly-headquartered cable […]


Comcast Rejoices as FCC Moves to Ditch Net Neutrality Rules

It looks like Comcast’s net neutrality Twitter campaign and stream of blog posts on the controversial topic will actually pay off. On Tuesday, Federal Communications […]


Today Is the Internet’s “Day of Action” on Net Neutrality

If you’re getting random net neutrality pop-up messages today on sites like Facebook, Amazon, and Google, that’s because these web giants are among thousands of […]


Comcast Backs Down on Threat to Sue Net Neutrality Advocacy Group

Last week, as the net neutrality war continued to pick up steam, Comcast made an effort to shut down, a website run by Internet […]


Comcast Is Fighting an Embarrassing Net Neutrality War on Twitter

To much public dismay, the FCC voted last Thursday to begin dismantling Obama-era net-neutrality rules. Net neutrality keeps the internet free and open by requiring […]

Comcast Center

OPINION: The Real Reason Millennials Don’t Care About Internet Politics

When Congress passed a bill in March that condoned the sale of users’ browsing histories by their internet service providers, what struck me most about […]

City Life

Activists: Why We Spent $7,000 to Fly Grumpy Cat Around the Comcast Center

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a plane — no, wait, it’s … Grumpy Cat? Yes, last Friday Philadelphians could see Grumpy Cat […]

City Life

WATCH: Anti-Comcast Activists Disrupt Penn Trustees Meeting

[Updated with David Cohen comment on FCC vote.] Anti-Comcast student activists disrupted a meeting of the Penn Board of Trustees this morning, protesting the company’s […]

City Life

Opposition to Comcast Merger Still Grows

The Federal Communications Commission may be in the home stretch of reviewing Comcast’s proposed merger with Time Warner Cable, but formal opposition to the deal […]

City Life

FCC Chairman Hints He’ll Back Net Neutrality

We already knew the FCC will vote on net neutrality rules next month. Now we have a better idea what the result will be: An […]

City Life

FCC Plans Net Neutrality Vote in February

Welcome to the new year, Comcast followers! It’s going to be a big one for the company. It will or won’t get its merger with […]

City Life

The President Is Wrong on Net Neutrality: The Internet Needs Fast Lanes and Slow Lanes

You’re staying at a hotel. You get online. When you log in, you’re given a choice: You can use the free Internet service that the […]