Mitt Romney

City Life

Mitt Romney Turns Down Invite From Nickelodeon

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney recently turned down an invitation to participate in Nickelodeon’s “Kids Pick the President” event. A Nickelodeon press release indicates that […]

City Life

Obama Ad Slams Romney for Big Bird Comments [UPDATE]

A new ad from the campaign to re-elect Barack Obama slams Mitt Romney for his recent comments on Big Bird. Romney has vocalized his intention […]

City Life

Pennsylvania Is a Swing State Again?

A new poll from Siena Research Institute indicates that the Keystone State is once again up for grabs in the upcoming presidential election. Based on […]

City Life

Buzz Bissinger Says He’s Voting for Mitt Romney

Buzz Bissinger—author of Friday Night Lights and one-time Inky columnist—has decided that he’s going to vote for Mitt Romney in the upcoming presidential election. A […]

City Life

Romney Got Five-Point Bump From Debate

The latest Gallup poll looks to quantify Mitt Romney’s “victory” in the first presidential debate. Heading into the debate, President Obama held a five-point lead […]

City Life

The Great Mitt Romney T-Shirt Brouhaha of 2012: What Went Wrong

There’s something about a presidential election that turns ordinarily sane, mature adults into name-calling adolescents straight out of Mean Girls. So it’s not a surprise […]

City Life

Chris Christie’s “I Told Ya So” Tour Heads to Ohio

Heading into Wednesday’s debate, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie couldn’t find a megaphone loud enough to properly inform the nation of his prediction that Mitt […]

City Life

2012 Presidential Debates: Romney 1, Obama 0

There are lots of ways I can imagine spending my 20th wedding anniversary; getting my ass handed to me by my nemesis in front of […]

City Life

Ed Rendell Says Obama Tried to Run the “Four Corners Offense”

Former Governor Ed Rendell was on Talk Radio 1210 with Chris Stigall on Thursday morning to discuss the first presidential debate. Rendell—like most of the […]

City Life

VIDEO: Chris Matthews Melts Down Over Obama’s Debate Performance

Ah, Chris Matthews. The La Salle College High School grad was rather perturbed with Barack Obama over the President’s performance in Wednesday night’s debate. In […]

City Life

President Obama Slipping in One Philadelphia Suburb

On the eve of the first Election 2012 debates in Denver, Colorado, and with the actual election mercifully just over one month away, all of […]

City Life

The Presidential Debate Drinking Game

There is absolutely no reason we should have a presidential debate tonight, not one. Almost everybody in the country knows who they’re voting for by […]

City Life

Watch the Presidential Debate on the Internet

You might actually have something to thank Comcast for because the cable behemoth will be streaming Wednesday’s presidential debate on the Internets. You know, ’cause […]

City Life

Ed Rendell Talks About Mitt Romney’s Soul

Mitt Romney was at the Union League on South Broad Street on Friday morning for a campaign event expected to bring in approximately $4 million. […]

City Life

Guess the Presidential Celebrity Endorsement

A recent Wall Street Journal blog post headlined “Romney Gets Boost From Celebrities” caught my attention, because hey, who doesn’t love celebrities? And who isn’t […]