Mitt Romney

City Life

Internet Loves Mitt Romney’s “Binder Full of Women” Comment

Obama Wins Debate in Spin Room? A back-and-forth second presidential debate marked by little moderation, multiple interruptions, rule violations, and the candidates’ refusal to move […]

City Life

Don’t Snicker at Mitt Romney’s “Binders Full of Women”

The Internet spent Tuesday night laughing at Mitt Romney. All he had to do was utter an awkward-but-now-immortal phrase—“binders full of women”—and instantly a meme […]

City Life

Leaked Presidential Debate Rules Stipulate that “Double or Nothing” Is Out of the Question

TIME’s Mark Halperin got his hands on the rules of the 2012 presidential and vice presidential debates and was kind enough to share them with […]

City Life

DNC Turns Romney’s Tax Plan Into a Joke Website

The Democratic National Committee has launched—a site engineered to make a joke out of the GOP presidential hopeful’s plan to cut taxes by $5 […]

City Life

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Are About to Say Something Very Important

On Tuesday night, the presidential candidates will meet on stage for a second time to engage in a town hall-style debate on the issue of […]

City Life

Who Is Winning The Presidential Race? Depends Which Poll You Pick.

Democrats felt pretty good about the shape of the presidential race following Joe Biden’s performance against Paul Ryan at last weekend’s vice-presidential debate. But did […]

City Life

Friday Night Lights Creator Tells Mitt Romney to Stop Using “Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can’t Lose.”

Friday Night Lights creator (the TV version), Peter Berg is not thrilled with Mitt Romney over the GOP presidential candidate’s use of the show’s infamous […]

City Life

VIDEO: Sean Penn and Kid Rock Want You to Fight Nice This Election Season

Sean Penn—the actor and director that was once married to Madonna and starred as a gay elected official in Milk—has teamed up with Kid Rock—Detroit’s […]

City Life

Mitt Romney Called the Romney T-Shirt Girl

Samantha Pawlucy—the 16-year-old student now known at the “Romney T-shirt girl”—will not be returning to Charles Carroll High School in Port Richmond as a result […]

City Life

Chris Christie Says Barack Obama Needs to Drink Red Bull

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was tireless in his effort to make sure that everyone knew that he felt Mitt Romney would run away with […]

City Life

What if Neither Romney Nor Obama Is Fit to Lead?

On Tuesday, PBS’s Frontline debuted “The Choice 2012”—a compelling journey through the lives of the two candidates vying for the presidency. Using archival footage and […]

City Life

From Mendte to Rome, Romney T-Shirt Girl Went Viral

On a train to New York, a week ago Monday, I read an email on my iPhone from a distraught father looking for help. I […]

City Life

Romney T-Shirt Girl Is Leaving School for Good

Samantha Pawlucy—the 16-year-old girl who was ridiculed by her teacher for wearing a Romney-Ryan T-shirt to Charles Carroll High School—will not return to the Port […]

City Life

Democrats: Get Ready for Obama to Lose

Yes, Democrats, it’s OK to panic. The sky—or at least President Obama’s poll numbers—really is falling. Reuters says it. Pew says it. Gallup says it. […]

City Life

Teacher in Romney Shirt Fiasco Asks Students to Stop Bullying

The math teacher from Charles Carroll High School in Port Richmond that ridiculed 16-year-old Samantha Pawlucy for wearing a Mitt Romney T-shirt to school has […]