Mitt Romney

City Life

Mitt Romney Isn’t Highlighting Barack Obama’s “Corruption”

The 2012 presidential election has been about many things. But there are many other things it hasn’t been about. With a nod to one of my […]

City Life

These Philadelphia VIPs Donated Over $1.7 Million to Mitt Romney and Barack Obama Since 2011

With the debates officially and thankfully behind us and Election Day just around the corner, we thought we would see who is giving what to […]

City Life

Republicans Have a Chance in Pennsylvania

A few months ago, it seemed as though Democrats were set to waltz their way to a smooth victory in Pennsylvania, a state that’s gone […]

City Life

President Obama’s Bayonets Draw Tweets, Not Blood

If the first presidential debate was a Romney KO and the second, Obama by unanimous decision, last night’s rubber match had to be scored as […]

City Life

Nigel Tufnel’s Amp Could Give Mitt Romney an Edge Over Barack Obama

Well, Mitt Romney’s foreign policy preferences became a lot more clear during Monday night’s debate, didn’t they? He wants to do exactly what President Obama […]

City Life

Top 10 Reasons Mitt Romney Scares Women

On Sunday, FiveThirtyEight blogger and heralded interpreter of poll numbers Nate Silver wrote in “‘Gender Gap’ Near Historic Highs”:

City Life

Poll Shows Obama Leads Among Pennsylvania Independents, Women

The latest MCall poll from the Allentown Morning Call and Muhlenberg College indicates that President Barack Obama holds a 50-42 lead over Mitt Romney among […]

City Life

Which Candidate Will Start a War With Iran?

Tonight’s final presidential debate is all about foreign policy, and really, all you should be asking yourself as you watch the two candidates spar is […]

City Life

Why It’s So Easy for Men Like Mitt Romney to Believe in the American Dream

My sister is married to a wealthy lawyer. He sent their kids to private school, he told me once, so that they “wouldn’t have to […]

City Life

Mitt Romney Leads in Swing States Poll as Women Lean Right

A new USA Today/Gallup poll suggests that Mitt Romney holds a slight edge over President Barack Obama among likely voters in America’s swing states. That […]

City Life

Amazon Reviews of Binders Are Best Part of the Second Presidential Debate

If you’re looking to pick up a new binder or trapper keeper to fill with women, you’re probably going to want to conduct some market […]

City Life

Why Obama Can’t Give You a Fair Shot and a Free Market

My wife and I sat down Tuesday night with a bottle of wine, a bowl of popcorn and a healthy dose of trepidation to watch […]

City Life

Romney Campaign Tries to Track Down Mystery Woman in Philadelphia

Will the real Recent Female College Graduate Working Three Part-Time Jobs That Barely Pay for Food and an Apartment, Who Met Mitt Romney  please stand […]

City Life

Big Bird’s Friends Plan Million Puppet March in D.C.

It looks like Big Bird and Elmo have some friends who are down to demonstrate. Supporters of public funding for PBS have planned a “Million […]

City Life

Johnny Showcase Records World’s First “Binder Full of Women” Song

The Internet is full of “Binder Full of Women” memes this morning, thanks to Governor Mitt Romney’s easily-mocked “binder full of women” comments during last […]