Mitt Romney

City Life

Mitt Romney Wants Your Tax Dollars to Pay for Useless College Educations

If you’re going to choose to be a one-issue voter when you cast your ballot tomorrow, here’s a really good one. You should vote to […]

City Life

Tuesday’s Election Winner Will Disappoint You

Dear Mitt Romney supporters: There’s something you need to know before you go into the voting booth on Tuesday: Your man might win, but he’s […]

City Life

Why Romney Will Lose PA: The Nation’s Least Popular Governor and One Convicted Pedophile

It’s all about Ohio. Win the Buckeye State, win the White House. Very true, especially for Mitt Romney, since no Republican has won without it. But Ohio is […]

City Life

No Doubt: Mitt Romney Is Going to Win

Am I cocky? No. Dancing in the end zone yet? Not me. Can I say with certainty this will be a landslide blowout? I want […]

City Life

Help! My Sister’s Voting for Romney!

So, my sister’s gone rogue. Back in 2008, I successfully managed to woo her away from the sway of her Republican-voting husband with the sweet […]

City Life

VIDEO: Crying Toddler Is Sick of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

With the election less than a week away, plenty of people have had enough with political coverage in the media. A four-year-old girl named Abigael […]

City Life

Someone Wrote “ROMNEY” in the Sand for President Obama’s Jersey Flyover

On Wednesday afternoon, President Obama flew into Atlantic City International Airport to meet up with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. They boarded a helicopter and […]

City Life

Republicans Win Every November 6th Election

If you’re a witch or a baseball fan, you probably put a little more stock into superstition than the rest of America. In which case, […]

City Life

Clinton Uses Sandy to Take a Jab at Romney’s Stance on Climate Change

Former President Bill Clinton has already started politicking over Hurricane Sandy. Clinton spoke at a rally in Minnesota on Tuesday and took the opportunity to […]

City Life

Corbett Plays Sandy Politics, Should Take Cue From Christie

A few hours ago, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie gave a 40-minute press briefing. He has a cold. He got two hours of sleep last […]

City Life

5 Reasons Not to Vote for Obama (and 10 Reasons to Vote Against Romney)

Let me confess—or brag—that I am a Pan-African socialist, which means I support a unified and culturally conscious Africa that has an economic system that […]

City Life

VIDEO: Joss Whedon Endorses Mitt Romney. For Zombie Reasons.

Joss Whedon—director of The Avengers, and creator of cult classics like Buffy the Vampire Slayer—offers the best endorsement of the 2012 campaign:

City Life

President Obama Basically Told Rolling Stone That Mitt Romney Is “a Bullshitter”

A  cover story on President Barack Obama is set to be published in the upcoming issue of Rolling Stone. Mike Allen at Politico got his […]

City Life

The Biggest Lies Told By Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Smilin’ Joe Biden

Politicians are liars. Some of the lies are big. Some of the lies are small. But the nature of competitive democracy—and the ass-covering that is […]

City Life

Mitt Romney Gets Spray Tans

The American people were treated to one hell of an October surprise today when a “knowledgeable source” confirmed that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney gets […]