Marian Tasco


How Jim Kenney’s Big Soda Tax Victory Is Upending City Hall

For years, Philadelphians saw government dysfunction everywhere they looked. In City Hall, former Mayor Michael Nutter was so impotent that he couldn’t persuade a single Council […]


The Incredible Political Insurgency of Chris Rabb

How did Chris Rabb do it? In a city where political machines crush challengers like grapes, the 46-year-old adjunct professor defeated an establishment-backed incumbent in the April primary. Rabb’s opponent […]


The No-Bullshit Guide: 2016 Election’s Biggest Winners and Losers

Oftentimes, elections feel like they’ve been decided by the powers that be before they’re even over. The 2016 primary was different: It was full of genuine nail-biters. At […]


Relish Was Hot on Election Day — While Famous 4th Street Deli Was a Ghost Town

This year, Josh Shapiro didn’t go to the power crowd’s longtime Election Day lunch hangout Famous 4th Street Deli. Instead, the Democratic frontrunner in the Attorney General’s race dined at the other, […]


Insider: Black Pols Will “Rue the Day” They Backed Kenney

(Editor’s note: This is an opinion column from a Citified insider. McCalla is a policy consultant who has provided pro bono advice to mayoral candidate Anthony H. […]


The Brief: Are the Mayoral Candidates’ School Plans “Bogus”?

1. Mayor Michael Nutter said the candidates running to replace him have proposed “bogus” school funding plans. The gist: Nutter made the attack while touring a city school with Gov. Tom Wolf […]


Insider: Why Would Dwight Evans & Marian Tasco Endorse a White Mayoral Candidate?

(Editor’s note: This is an opinion column from a Citified insider.)  Jim Kenney’s Monday endorsement by West Oak Lane Democratic pols is worthy of the […]


Jim Kenney’s Big Move to Win Black Support

On Monday, former City Councilman Jim Kenney landed what could turn out to be the most critical endorsement in the Philadelphia mayor’s race: Council members […]


The Council At-Large Race Just Got More Crowded

We told you the City Council At-Large race would get more crowded after Jim Kenney resigned from Council to run for mayor. Derek Green, a […]


Jim Kenney Will Upend the City Council Race, Too

The Philadelphia mayor’s race has changed overnight because Councilman Jim Kenney is soon jumping into it. So, too, has the Democratic City Council at-large race. Philadelphians […]


Half of City Council Just Got Cybersquatted

Go to, and you won’t find a word about the South Philadelphia Councilman bearing its name., too, has nary a sentence about the longtime Councilwoman representing parts of West Philadelphia. […]


Q&A: Marian Tasco Explains Why She’s Quitting Council

A day after Council President Darrell Clarke announced that he won’t be running for mayor, veteran Councilwoman Marian Tasco came out with the huge news that she won’t […]

City Life

Marian Tasco to Retire From Council

[UPDATE, 11:40 a.m.] City Council President Darrell L. Clarke on Tuesday issued the following statement on 9th District Councilwoman Marian Tasco’s announcement that she will […]

PGW sign

City Council Spending $20K on Ads Defending Delay on PGW Sale

In February, Mayor Michael Nutter announced the sale of PGW for $1.86 billion. But City Council has questions, and didn’t review the sale before the […]

City Life

Philly FIGHT and City Councilwomen Announce HIV Clinic for Spanish-Speakers

In a forward-thinking move, Philly FIGHT and city councilwomen Maria Quinones-Sanchez and Marian Tasco announced at a press conference this morning the development of a […]