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City Life

What Philly Women Need (By Philly Women)

Philly has been a man’s town for too long. And hey, not to point fingers or anything, but maybe that’s exactly what’s wrong with this […]

City Life

The Know-It-All-Guide: PHL Airport

Park Like a Pro If you aren’t ready to pay hundreds in parking fees, the Economy Lot is the best bet ($11 flat daily rate). […]

City Life

Off the Cuff: May 2017

I’ve had it with millennials. We’ve all heard the stories about the absurd environment on our college campuses — the policing of offensive language and […]

City Life

Spring Cleaning! The Philadelphian’s Guide to Getting Rid of Everything

You’ve done it. You finally went full-on Marie Kondo and spent a weekend sorting and sifting. Look at you! But wait, don’t go celebrating just […]

City Life

What It’s Like to Live in Philly on $18,000

As an adult, it’s interesting to look back on my family’s financial situation growing up. If there were money concerns, my father and mother, a […]

City Life

What It’s Like to Live in Philly on $50,000

Growing up in Montgomery County, I remember my parents telling me, “You need to pay your bills, and you need to pay them on time, […]

City Life

What It’s Like to Live in Philly on $130,000

My mother didn’t come from money. Her father was a taxicab driver. Back then, in the ’50s, there were sororities in high school. My mother […]

City Life

What It’s Like to Live in Philly on $1,000,000+

My husband and I come from very different backgrounds, money-wise. Both of my parents came from large farming families. Where I grew up, hard work […]

City Life

Now and Then: A Snapshot of Philly Finances

  » See more from our Money in Philadelphia package First published as “Now and Then” in the April 2017 issue of Philadelphia magazine.  

City Life

From Jim Kenney to Brian Roberts: What Philly’s Biggest Names Make Each Year

Brian Roberts, CEO, Comcast, $36.2 million Bill Marrazzo, CEO, WHYY, $703,718 Marrazzo is among the highest-paid public broadcasting CEOs in the entire country. Jeremy Hellickson, […]

City Life

Boomers vs. Millennials: How Differently Do They View Money?

You know the rap on boomers — those greedy oldsters who elected Donald Trump. And you know millennials — those special snowflakes who spend all […]

City Life

6 Philly Finance Experts Share Their Best Money Advice

For the family on a budget “Insurance tends to creep up with inflationary adjustment. Every two years, you owe it to yourself to get additional […]

City Life

The 30 Top-Paying Jobs in Philadelphia Earning Over $100K

What are the best-paying jobs in the Philly region right now? Exactly how much are lawyers raking in these days? Your kid’s orthodontist? Your CEO? […]

City Life

Money in Philadelphia: How We Make It — and Spend It — in 2017

As the American economy (the world!) has changed over the past few decades — what with the recession, the millennials, a tech boom, the Uber effect […]

City Life

The New Frugality: Inside Philly’s Buy Nothing Movement

My husband and I are both independent contractors, which means there are no benefits (apart from working from home a lot). We have two children […]