Katie McGinty

City Life

Poll: McGinty Gains Slight Lead in Senate Race as Clinton Pulls Ahead of Trump

A new Quinnipiac University poll says that Democrat Katie McGinty has gained a small lead on Republican incumbent Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania’s Senate race. The poll, which was […]

City Life

Katie McGinty Rolls Out First TV Ad of General Election

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js1LOALGXzA We’ve been following the campaign ad blitz in the race for Pennsylvania’s junior senate seat pretty closely. There was the pro-Sen. Pat Toomey ad […]

Pat Toomey — Katie McGinty elevator ad
City Life

New McGinty Ad Calls Toomey “Senator Elevator”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCalJ2ZjLH0 Republicans running for office have a major problem this year, and his name is Donald Trump. While Trump is popular, this is his first […]

Run Jimmy - still
City Life

New Anti-McGinty Ad Suggests She’ll Kidnap Your Kids

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzMAw0MWrTs It’s only June, but I can’t imagine anything tops the Pat Toomey–Katie McGinty Senate race in TV commercial quality. First, we had a Democratic […]

City Life

Both Pa. Senators Joined Filibuster Seeking Better Gun Control

Both of Pennsylvania’s Senators took park in a marathon filibuster that called for gun limits yesterday. Starting 11 a.m. yesterday through early this morning, Sen. Christopher S. Murphy […]

Cheesesteak whiz
City Life

Pro-Pat Toomey Ad Has Atrocious Cheesesteak Depiction

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQoAwMs49FQ It’s only June, but the airways are already full of ads in the U.S. Senate race between Republican incumbent Pat Toomey and Democratic challenger […]

City Life

Katie McGinty Wasn’t Really the First in Her Family to Attend College

Democratic Senate candidate Katie McGinty has frequently claimed throughout her campaign that she was first in her family to attend college, but a BuzzFeed report released Wednesday shows […]

Pat Toomey Kittens
City Life

Weird New Anti-Pat Toomey Ad Compares Him to a Kitten

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK1lbXvL_ak The ad above was released late last month, but it’s now airing on Philadelphia-area TV stations. (I saw it yesterday during the Extra/Access Hollywood block […]

Katie McGinty, Pat Toomey

New Poll: Toomey-McGinty Race Is Essentially Tied

A new poll from Quinnipiac University says that the Senate race in Pennsylvania is very much like the presidential one here: A dead heat. Sen. Pat […]


Attack Ads Already Flying in Hotly Contested Pennsylvania Senate Race

It’s been just a week since the Pennsylvania primary election, but the general election is ramping into high gear — at least in the race […]


The No-Bullshit Guide: 2016 Election’s Biggest Winners and Losers

Oftentimes, elections feel like they’ve been decided by the powers that be before they’re even over. The 2016 primary was different: It was full of genuine nail-biters. At […]


Katie McGinty Soundly Beats Joe Sestak for Democratic Senate Nomination

Katie McGinty, Governor Tom Wolf‘s former chief of staff, won the four-way race Democratic primary race for U.S. Senate tonight, thoroughly beating her top rival, […]


At Famous 4th Street Deli Today, Huge Sammiches, Small Crowd

Few political traditions in Philadelphia are quite as cherished as the Election Day gathering at Famous 4th Street Deli. (Yeah, we know you’re going to make a […]


Harper Poll: McGinty Moves to First Place, Shapiro Has Commanding Lead

The final poll of the Pennsylvania primary, conducted by conservative firm Harper Polling, found that Katie McGinty has moved into first place just one day before the Democratic […]


The No-Bullshit Guide to the 2016 Philadelphia Primary

By now, you probably know whether you’re voting for Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz or John Kasich. My God, how couldn’t you know? The […]