Kathleen Kane

City Life

Seamus McCaffery Makes the Rounds With GOP AG Candidate

Seamus McCaffery, the former Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice who resigned after getting caught swapping pornographic emails, is still moving and shaking in Philadelphia’s political scene. He […]

City Life

Seriously, What the Hell Happened With Kathleen Kane?

Kathleen Kane will officially be Pennsylvania’s former state attorney general by the end of today, bringing her bizarre tenure to a merciful end. But I can’t help but think about […]


Philly’s Deviant Political Culture, Explained

Because this is 2016 and I’m a journalist, I was on Twitter when I first saw the news that FBI agents were raiding Johnny Doc’s […]

City Life

Pennsylvania A.G. Kathleen Kane to Resign Following Conviction

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane announced her resignation today, less than 24 hours after a jury convicted her on nine counts, including perjury, obstruction of justice and abuse […]

City Life

What They’re Saying About Kathleen Kane’s Conviction

Politicians around Pennsylvania called on Attorney General Kathleen Kane to resign after a jury convicted her Monday night of perjury, obstruction, and other charges related […]

City Life

Governor Wolf Calls on A.G. Kathleen Kane to Resign After Conviction

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf called on Attorney General Kathleen Kane to resign this morning, just hours after a jury found her guilty of perjury, obstruction of justice and […]

City Life

Kathleen Kane Convicted of Perjury, Obstruction of Justice

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane was convicted Monday night on two counts of perjury and seven other counts, including obstruction of justice and abuse of […]

City Life

Kathleen Kane Opts to Not Testify in Perjury Trial

Kathleen Kane, the Pennsylvania attorney general currently standing trial for perjury, declined to testify in her own defense today. After calling zero witnesses, her defense rested. […]

City Life

Kathleen Kane’s Ex-Consultant: We Planned Grand Jury Leak

On the fourth day of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s trial on perjury and conspiracy charges, her former consultant dropped a major bomb: He helped illegally […]

City Life

Former First Deputy AG: Kane’s Reaction to Grand Jury Leak ‘Very Troubling’

The third day of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s trial on perjury and conspiracy charges revealed discrepancies between Kane’s claims and those of Bruce Beemer, the first deputy […]

City Life

The Beginning of the End of the Kathleen Kane Saga: Her Trial Starts Today

What a short, strange trip it’s been for Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania’s soon-to-be-former attorney general. Around this time four years ago, she was crisscrossing the commonwealth and […]

City Life

Pa. Attorney General Urges Comcast Customers to Come Forward Following $100 Million Lawsuit

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane is reviewing Washington state’s recently-filed $100 million lawsuit against Philly-based cable giant Comcast and urging the state’s customers to come forward if they […]

City Life

Kathleen Kane Announces Arrests in Philly Heroin Bust

A month-long investigation conducted by the Office of the Attorney General’s Bureau of Narcotics yielded two arrests and the seizure of 3,660 packets of heroin […]

City Life

FW: Frank Fina Has Left the D.A.’s Office

Frank Fina‘s controversy-plagued tenure with the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office has quietly — like really, really quietly — come to an end. 

City Life

Kathleen Kane’s Office Cancels Porngate News Conference

A news conference scheduled for today at which Attorney General Kathleen Kane was expected to release preliminary findings of an investigation into the Porngate scandal has been […]