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City Life

Richard Gere Was in Philly Last Night to Advocate for the Homeless

Last night it was a packed house at the Ritz East in Old City for a red-carpet premiere of Time Out of Mind, a new […]

City Life

The Homeless Have a Home: It’s Philadelphia

I know she didn’t mean it to be cruel, when she said it. She was just a sheltered kid from Roxborough doing a park cleanup […]


The Brief: What Will Happen to the Homeless During the Pope’s Visit?

1. Organizers say they are carefully considering the needs of homeless people as they make preparations for the Pope’s visit. The gist: On Monday, Mayor Michael Nutter got […]

City Life

PA Dems Donate Democrat T-Shirts to Soup Kitchen, Congratulate Themselves

It’s been a while since we’ve taken a shot at ridiculous press releases, so we’d like to thank the Pennsylvania Democratic Party for sending us […]


Best Way to Help Homeless Families? Give Them Homes

Each year, the Department of Housing and Urban Development conducts a “Point-in-Time” count of the homeless population in areas around the country. The count of Philadelphia homeless […]


What It’s Like to Sell One Step Away Newspapers

The first thing Charles asked me was if I liked metal music. He said he wanted to go to the Cannibal Corpse show when they […]

City Life

DO THIS: Camp Out at Thomas Paine Plaza For LGBT Homeless Youth

Change Philly Today is partnering with LGBT groups from Temple University and Community College of Philadelphia to shine an LGBT spotlight on National Hunger and Homelessness […]

City Life

New Project Will Provide Shelter for Philly’s Homeless LGBT Youth:
All the Ways You Can Help Get it Running

Between 20 and 40 percent of the nation’s annual 1.6 million runaway and homeless youth identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender according to studies […]

City Life

Some People Think We Have No Obligations to the Homeless. Here’s Why Those People are Wrong

There was a beautifully written piece published in The New York Times on December 9th that painted a very poignant, solemn, and frustrating picture of […]

City Life

LOVE Park’s Real Homeless Problem

Last week Philly Mag posted what seemed to be a fairly innocuous question on its Facebook page: “LOVE Park will be getting an upgrade. What […]

City Life

Watch: Homeless for the Holidays

Rigo is a 20-year-old bisexual Latino man and Marine Corps veteran. But since he was just 14, he’s been living on the streets, often taking […]

City Life

Dan Savage: Homeless and Gay

Dan Savage of It Gets Better fame talks about LGBT homeless teens in a new video series.

City Life

Hump Day Headlines

The top LGBT news headlines of the week.

City Life

Weekend Roundup

Friday, May 4 Equality Forum continues today with the National Legal Panel (4 p.m.) and National Politics Panel (5:30 p.m.) at the National Constitution Center. […]

City Life

Corbett’s Plan Includes Increase in Philadelphia’s Homeless

Have you ever taken a long car drive, and you’re waiting for a rest stop, and your stomach is growling and everyone in the car […]