Fraternal Order of Police

City Life

Police Lies About SEPTA Riders Filming a Rape Show Yet Again Why We Can’t Trust Them

When something sounds too bizarre to be true, chances are it’s not — especially when the source is the police. Last week, reports of a […]

City Life

Philly Will Pay $2 Million to Settle a Police Brutality Case. It Will Also Give Cops a Raise. Why?

The saying goes “You gotta spend money to make money” when it comes to maximizing budgetary opportunities, but the city has officially proven that it […]

City Life

This Is What Happens When Law Enforcement Treats Policing Like War

The police have a propensity for fighting wars. In 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson declared a “War on Crime.” Six years later, Nixon followed up with […]

City Life

The Killing of Walter Wallace Jr. Is the Assassination of Philadelphia As We Knew It

It finally happened: The world is now watching Philadelphia after a video of a Black man being killed by law enforcement went viral. On Monday […]

City Life

Yes, Defund the Police, But Here Are More Ways to Abolish Cop Culture

At this point, “defund the police” has become a household term as conversations about fighting against racial injustice have advanced. The details and meanings of […]

Joseph Bologna
City Life

Philly Police Union Doubles Down, Selling Shirts in Support of Cop Charged With Assaulting Protester

Update: Philly police just released more information about the Joseph Bologna arrest. Click here for the full update. A roundup of Philly news. This post […]

di bruno bros rittenhouse alimentari wine bar pizza

Di Bruno Bros. Is Facing Backlash From Its Own Employees and the Philadelphia Police

On Monday, CBS reporter Matt Petrillo tweeted a photo of Di Bruno Bros. boarded up storefront on Chestnut Street, sharing that they were one of […]

back the blue, police rally
City Life

Philly FOP Holds “Back the Blue” Police Rally in Northeast Philly

A “Black the Blue” police rally drew a substantial turnout on Thursday night in Northeast Philly. John McNesby, president of Philly’s Fraternal Order of Police union, […]

City Life

Philly FOP Endorses Republican DA Candidate Beth Grossman

Philadelphia’s police union will endorse Republican Beth Grossman for district attorney. The announcement follows an event Tuesday at the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5 […]

City Life

The Biggest Winners and Losers in Philadelphia’s 2017 Primary Election

Philadelphia’s election on Tuesday was a game-changer. The winner of the Democratic primary for district attorney is a criminal defense lawyer who has never prosecuted a case […]

City Life

The D.A. Candidate Who Threw His Hat in the Ring at the Last Possible Second

Jack O’Neill kicked off his campaign for district attorney at the last possible minute. Literally. The first time the 35-year-old Democrat was described as a candidate […]

City Life

Meet the D.A. Candidate Who Led Philly’s Civil Asset Forfeiture System

Beth Grossman was a prosecutor for more than 20 years, serving in every unit in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office. From 2007 to 2015, the Republican led the city’s […]

City Life

Can El-Shabazz Win Over Voters Despite His Tax Debts, Ties to Seth Williams?

Tariq El-Shabazz, a Democrat running for district attorney, has baggage. A lot of baggage. reported that there are more than $190,000 in tax lien judgements […]

City Life

The D.A. Candidate Who Wants to Stop Prosecuting Most Low-Level Drug Offenses

Joe Khan is a young progressive running for district attorney who wants to ditch cash bail, revamp the civil asset forfeiture program, and stop prosecuting most simple […]

City Life

Can Teresa Carr Deni Convince Voters to Look Past a Controversial Legal Case?

“Philly Judge Criticized for Rape Decision.” “Judge Criticized for Considering Gang Rape on Prostitute ‘Theft of Services.’” “Judge Who Thinks Rape is ‘Theft of Services’ […]