
City Life

Wanted: Sales Associate

G Philly is looking for a sales associate.

City Life

What We Can Learn From Fortune 500s

A record number of Fortune 500 companies provide workplace protections banning discrimination against sexual orientation, according to Equality Forum.

City Life

Google: Legalize Love

Google launches Legalize Love, a campaign designed to support LGBT workers in Google offices around the world – particularly in countries where LGBT behavior is criminalized and rights are nonexistent.

City Life

John Moeller Leaving DVLF

John Moeller leaves Delaware Valley Legacy Fund as executive director.

City Life

UPenn’s New Incentive for Same-Sex Couples

Beginning July 1, the University of Pennsylvania will provide a tax offset program for same-sex couples who work for the university. The program offers as […]

City Life

Faith Groups to Obama

On the heels of advocacy by LGBT groups around the country asking President Obama to sign an executive order that would bar discrimination by federal […]

City Life

William Way to Launch SAGEWorks

The William Way Community Center will be launching a new program for those 40 and older starting with a reception next week (April 23). SAGEWorks will […]

City Life

Is Obama Doing Enough?

When the White House announced President Barack Obama would not sign an executive order at this time to prohibit federal contractors from discriminating against LGBT […]

City Life

LGBT at Work?

In almost 30 states in this country you can be fired for being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender – including Pennsylvania. That’s why advocates are […]

City Life

Hump Day Headlines

The Dutch Roman Catholic Church admits it castrated boys to “cure” homosexuality. Was this high school principal fired for being a lesbian? New Hampshire to […]

City Life

Should CNN Fire This Guy?

UPDATE: As of Feb. 8, CNN suspended Roland Martin over controversial remarks. “Roland Martin’s tweets were regrettable and offensive,” CNN said in a statement. “Language […]

City Life

Trevor Project Gets a New Boss

The Trevor Project named its new executive director and CEO this week. Abbe Land takes over the LGBT organization specializing in crisis intervention, when she […]