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City Life

How COVID Warped Our Sense of Time

I’ve always had a good memory, at least in an autobiographical sense. In my little group of old-time friends, I’m the one everybody calls when […]

15toknow covid testing location in exton, pennsylvania
City Life

Fired 15toKnow Employees Sue the Main Line COVID Testing Company for Racial Discrimination

If you live in the Philadelphia suburbs and have had COVID symptoms, then you have probably heard of 15toKnow. The popular rapid COVID testing company […]

City Life

Mandate or No Mandate, I’m Still Wearing a Mask — for My Own Damn Health

It finally happened: One of my best friends lost their “COVID-19 virginity” over the weekend. After over two years of not knowingly contracting any coronavirus […]

City Life

The Icewomen Cometh: Why Dozens of Women from the Philly Area Are Taking Arctic Soaks in Winter

January 3rd could have been just another day in Philadelphia. Just another Monday. But thanks to a certain four-letter word that tends to send Philadelphians […]

amid debate over covid masking policy, a covid mask hangs on a school locker
City Life

Delco Parents Sue Schools Over Optional Masking Policy, Claiming It’s Too Lax

When I first heard rumblings of a dispute in Delco over a school district’s COVID masking policy, I assumed this was going to be like […]

the arden theatre
City Life

After Nearly Two Years, the Arden (Finally) Reopens

I still have the e-ticket sitting in my Philly Mag inbox. It was order number 472485. Two seats for the third preview of A Streetcar […]

City Life

After Two Years of Pandemic Living, We All Really Need Hobbies

It was one of those cloudless, golden September days, and my husband and I decided to take our son and daughter to Valley Forge National […]

bucks county
City Life

Inside the Ridiculously Vicious and Increasingly Nasty Local Elections in Bucks County

“I realize what I’m doing is very unorthodox,” said Shannon Harris as she stood at the podium holding a ream of handwritten notes, her voice […]

City Life

Inside Jim Kenney’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year

“There is a finite period of time for each of us to make a positive impact on our city as elected officials,” Mayor Jim Kenney […]

City Life

COVID Turned the Philanthropy World Upside Down

When I was a child, my mother would speak often of her father. He was 22 when he and my grandmother came up from North […]

City Life

ThinkFest 2021: Ala Stanford Talks COVID-19 Plan

ThinkFest 2021 is all about legends, leaders, and the next generation of power brokers who are designing Philadelphia’s future by tackling some of the city’s most […]

stock photo of students wearing masks in schools, something that is the subject of a lawsuit over the mask mandate in Bucks County schools
City Life

School Masks Are Now a “Satanic Ritual,” According to Parents Suing a Local School District

The Bucks County school mask mandate fight has been playing out in angry school board meetings and community Facebook groups as well as in the […]

City Life

Stop Judging People for Going to Outdoor Events. The COVID Mandates Are Working.

As we all began to adjust to in-person gatherings this summer in the wake of vaccination requirements, I noticed a growing trend: social media doomsaying. […]

City Life

It Just Got Even Easier to Get Backup Proof of Vaccination in Philly

With more and more businesses requiring proof of vaccination, CDC vaccination cards have been an indispensable addition to the “phone, keys, wallet” incantation you recite […]

a man smokes a cigarette at the 2019 mummers parade
City Life

With No Ban on Large Events in Philadelphia, Mummers Move Forward With 2022 Parade

Will there be a Mummers Parade in 2022? Now that summer is over, at least unofficially, and the kids are back in school, this is […]