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It’s like Moby-Dick, except instead of harpoons and the Pequod it’s a decades-old rifle and a ship named Capt Bob. Federal authorities yesterday charged Cape […]
The fraud trial of former Philadelphia sportscaster Don Tollefson was halted today after Tollefson was taken to the hospital when his blood sugar spiked. Tollefson […]
The Justice Department has charged curator and Philadelphia gallery owner Nathan Isen with money laundering. The government contends the 61-year-old Isen, who’s best known for his expertise […]
The Don Tollefson saga was supposed to be over. The former 6 ABC and Fox 29 sportscaster — known, even now, for calling pretty much […]
Joseph Dougherty, former head of the Philadelphia chapter of the Ironworkers union, went on trial in federal court Monday on racketeering charges alleging the union […]
Police have filed charges against the driver of an SUV that hit a Bensalem High School girl and killed her. The victim, Minete Zeka, was […]
One woman in the “Basement of Horrors” case in Philadelphia has pleaded guilty. Jean McIntosh entered a surprise guilty plea today. McIntosh is the daughter […]
Don Tollefson — the former Philadelphia sportscaster who prosecutors say bilked sports fans out of hundreds of thousands of dollars in sports ticket charity scams — is […]
Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court ruled Cozen O’Connor can forgive a 2007 loan made to Bob Brady. O’Connor worked to keep Brady on the ballot in the […]
Ironworkers Local 401 head Joseph Dougherty is the only member of the union facing trial after three members agreed to plead guilty today in court. […]
Don Tollefson pleaded guilty in September to fraud charges, and today he was expected to learn his fate. Only, he changed his mind. Tollefson decided […]
Against the advice of a federal judge, Chaka Fattah Jr. will represent himself at a federal fraud and tax evasion trial next year. Judge Harvey […]
There has been a guilty verdict in the shooting death of Philadelphia police officer Moses Walker. Today, judge Jeffrey P. Minehart found Rafael Jones guilty […]
The Philadelphia district attorney has dropped the charges against Philly Jesus. Just weeks before his namesake’s birthday! Philly Jesus — who does not believe he is […]
When we last checked in with retired Traffic Court judge Thomasine Tynes, her $2,000 Tiffany bracelet was being waved around in front of the cameras […]