
City Life

A Video of Marco Rubio Drinking Water in Slow-Motion

Here, re-live the Gulp Heard ‘Round the World, delivered during Marco Rubio’s inevitably lame State of the Union response. (SOTU speeches are tough acts to […]

City Life

Joe Biden to Roll into Girard College Today Shirtless in a Camaro to Talk Gun Control

Joe Biden will lead a roundtable today at Girard College, featuring Senator Bob Casey, and Reps Bob Brady, Chaka Fattah, and Allyson Schwartz. The topic: […]

City Life

Save the USPS: Let People Opt Out of Daily Mail Delivery

On Wednesday, Patrick Donahoe, the Postmaster General of the United States, announced that the U.S. Postal Service will discontinue the delivery of first-class mail on […]

City Life

The Beginning of the End? US Postal Service Will Stop Delivering Saturday Mail

Neither snow nor rain nor heat…nor weekends. That’ll be the new motto of the US Postal Services beginning in August, when they start cutting all […]

City Life

John Kerry’s Twitter Handle is Laughing at You

To let us know when he’s tweeting for himself, and when a generic State Department staffer is doing it, newly appointed Secretary of State John […]

City Life

Presenting “Son of Romney: Will A Romney Runs for Office Again?”

Heeeeeeeere’s Romney! Not the one you’re so sick of, but the one you’re gonna be sick of: Taggggg! Massachusetts has an open Senate seat, vacated […]

City Life

Bob Menendez’s Alleged Prostitutes Were Really Exchange Students, and Other New Details from the Dominican Republic

Well folks, we’re both a lot closer and a lot further from knowing what the hell New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez has been doing in […]

City Life

Chaka Fattah Gave Blondell’s Husband a Famously Corrupt Earmark in 2004

One time, in 2004, U.S. Rep Chaka Fattah delivered an earmark so unquestionably questionable, the Environmental Protection Agency (under Bush!), nixed it. What was it […]

City Life

It’s Gabby Giffords vs. Wayne LaPierre Today in the U.S. Senate

In one large, carpeted, wood-panelled room today, two of the most visible figureheads in the debate on gun control will sit just feet away from […]

City Life

If Obama Had a Gay, Illegal Immigrant, Football-Playing Son Who Looked Like Trayvon Martin

It grieves me to tell you Republican leaders in Congress are just beginning to understand what I’m about to share here. Having watched the President […]

City Life

FBI Busting Doors and Taking Names in Bob Menendez Prostitute Story

It all seems like so long ago now, that the conservative Daily Caller website attempted to pull an October surprise, just before the election, alleging […]

City Life

Watch Live: At Last, Hillary Clinton Gets Flayed By Senate About Benghazi

In what will be one of her last public duties as Secretary of State (John Kerry’s confirmation hearing is tomorrow), Hillary will sit front of […]

City Life

GOP to Delay Cataclysmic Economic Crisis Until May

Rather than have another crippling debt ceiling fight (remember when the United States’s credit got downgraded in 2011 because certain members of Congress threatened not […]

City Life

Michael Nutter Rips Marco Rubio

In Washington today for Barack Obama’s announcement on gun control, Mike Nutter laid into Florida Senator and would-be-Presidential-hopeful-if-he-didn’t-have-so-many-shady-friends Marco Rubio. Responding to Rubio’s comments that […]

City Life

President Obama’s Bad Faith on the Debt Ceiling

So President Obama held a press conference on Monday to lambast and threaten Republican house members about the upcoming debt ceiling debate. “They will not […]