
City Life

Daylin Leach Officially Running for Allyson Schwartz’s Seat

State Senator Daylin Leach (D-Duh)–fan of legalized pot, foe of genetically modified corn–is running for Allyson Schwartz’s seat in Congress, assuming she runs for governor, […]

City Life

Philly’s Feeling the Sequester Pinch: Liberty Bell Reducing Hours

At a protest that took place today on Independence Mall, City Paper caught up with three federal workers already feeling the automatic spending cuts that […]

City Life

Liberals Are Being Too Hard on Poor Old Rob Portman

Sen. Rob Portman is a vapid hypocrite—and it’s a good thing for the rest of us that he is.

City Life

Pat Toomey, Barack Obama Pretended to be Friends Over Dinner Last Night

Last  night–before he ahem, droned on and on last night to temporarily filibuster Barack Obama’s controversial C.I.A. Director nominee–Pat Toomey apparently had a lovely dinner party […]

City Life

Politics 101: Sex Talks, Money Walks

A story in the news this week made me think of The Contender, a 2000 movie starring Joan Allen as Senator Laine Hanson, the first […]

City Life

Does Bill Green Want to Skip the Mayor’s Race and Run for Congress?

Whenever the subject of Philadelphia’s 2015 mayoral race comes up, the one person who is always named first or second in the pack of candidates […]

City Life

Kermit Gosnell Is the Poster Child for Roe v. Wade

Jury selection started yesterday in the capital murder trial of Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortion doctor charged with the deaths of a pregnant woman under […]

City Life

Call the Next Federal Government Crisis “Armageddon”

President Obama is running around the country trying like hell to convince the American public that the sky is falling and that it’s not his […]

City Life

Three Ways Conservatives Are Smarter Than Liberals

Over the weekend, liberal MSNBC host Chris Hayes revealed he’d been asked to sit on a panel at CPAC, an annual gathering of the nation’s […]

City Life

GOP Needs a Steady Diet of Doughnuts, Water and Tupac

Republicans gathered last month at their winter meeting for a postmortem regarding their defeat last November, and what Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal called their “stupid […]

City Life

“Legitimate Rape” Guy Ranked Most Conservative Guy in Washington

Long before he postulated that pregnancies could not be caused by rape, due to the wondrous alchemical way female bodies can “shut that whole thing down,” Congressman […]

City Life

If You Were John Boehner, Your Ass Would Be Fired

All hail Presidents Day, known for automobile sales and bearable traffic on the Schuylkill Expressway. It’s not really a day for thinking about politics. Yet […]

City Life

What’s So Scary About Raising Minimum Wage?

A week ago, in his State of the Union address, President Obama proposed raising minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $9 an hour. If […]

City Life

The Congressman and the Bikini Model

It was during the State of the Union speech, as President Obama was making his way down the aisle to the podium, that Congressman Steve […]

City Life

Frank Lautenberg Was Going to Retire…Until Cory Booker Ran for his Seat

Until recently, New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg was planning to retire, leaving the field open for Cory Booker to take his place. Until, that is, Cory […]