
City Life

Is Joe Sestak Running for Congress Again?

Assistant District Attorney, Delaware County. Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, specializing in prosecuting illegal firearms cases and violent drug offenders. Governor-appointed Safe […]

City Life

Feel-Good Budget Deals Are A Joke

It is a sad truth that America has been transformed from a tough-as-nails powerhouse into a nation that prefers to bury its head in the […]

City Life

Incandescent Bulb Ban Makes Me Think of Big Brother

In 2007, Congress passed a bill that would see a complete ban of incandescent light bulbs by 2014. You know, the ones Thomas Edison perfected. […]

City Life

Get Ready for a Mud-Slinging, Do-Nothing 112th Congress

The term “lame duck” is used to describe a person or body that has lost power. In politics you get the moniker when you’ve either […]

City Life

Republican Senators Screw Up On 9/11 Aid Bill

I went to a Christmas party this weekend unlike any other Christmas party. This was a party thrown by heroes for heroes. Gathered in the […]

City Life

9/11 Hero in Delaware Suffers While U.S. Senate Refuses to Vote

The great towers had just fallen after the attack on America. A police officer handed Vito Valenti a bottle of water so he could rinse […]

City Life

How Many Times Will You Vote Tuesday?

Here’s the thing that I don’t get. If I use my credit card too often in a short period of time, a cyber-Big Brother somewhere […]

City Life

Don’t Let the Midterm Elections Get You Down

Two weeks ago I posted a column that was pure doom and gloom. All about how asea I feel in these turbulent times — a […]

City Life

After 50 Years in Politics, Mike Castle Had to Go

Voted for budget-busting stimulus spending. Voted for the bailouts. Voted for Cap-and-Trade. Voted to ban ANWR and offshore drilling. Voted for Cash-for-Clunkers and tax increases […]

City Life

White House Story on Job Gate Isn’t Believable

Pop quiz: Which of the following is true: A) When the game was on the line, Donovan McNabb always came up big. B) Wall Street […]

City Life

Could Joe Sestak Face Legal Trouble In White House Job Gate?

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Joe Sestak, fresh off his primary win dethroning 30-year incumbent Arlen Specter, may have thought he was entitled to a brief […]

City Life

Sestak and Veterans Groups Wrong To Criticize Specter Ad

“We’re all here because we’re enraged at the fact that someone, anyone in the United States today, would question someone with 31 years of [military] […]

City Life

Specter: Sestak Job Offer Was A Federal Crime

A Ceasefire in the Webcam Case. Legal teams worked out a one-month waiting period to see if Lower Merion was snooping on any other students. […]