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City Council

City Life

Allan Domb for Mayor!

I realize what I’m about to say. I realize exactly what I’m about to say. And yet: It must be said. Every so often, when […]

City Life

City Council Passes Budget, Construction Tax Ahead of Summer Break

Just like school kids pushing to finish their final projects before summer vacation, Philadelphia City Council on Thursday approved a flurry of measures both big […]

City Life

Rebecca Rhynhart Explains How Philly Managed to Misplace $33 Million

Philadelphia has the worst accounting methods of the nation’s 10 largest cities, according to an audit released on Tuesday by Philadelphia city controller Rebecca Rhynhart. The […]

City Life

Allan Domb Floats Idea to Reduce Philly’s Property Tax Abatement

Looking for ways to bolster the resources of Philadelphia’s Housing Trust Fund, which supports affordable housing efforts in the city, City Council is currently moving […]

city council, mayor kenney, budget proposal
City Life

No Property Tax Hike in City Council’s Alternate Budget Proposal

It didn’t take long for City Council members to become inundated with calls from concerned constituents after Mayor Jim Kenney introduced his $4.7 billion budget […]

City Life

Krasner Requests Budget Increase for DA’s Office

Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner asked City Council for a 13 percent funding increase for his office during a budget hearing held on Tuesday, Philly.com […]

City Life

City Council Calls for Audit of Philly’s Skyrocketing Property Tax Assessments

In case you missed it, Philly property tax assessments came out this month — and chances are, your bill is going way up. Overall, assessments for […]

derek green, marijuana testing, paroles
City Life

City Councilman Wants to Eliminate Marijuana Testing for Parolees

Councilman Derek Green wants to eliminate marijuana testing for parolees. Philly.com reports that Green plans to ask for hearings on drug testing for parolees on […]

City Life

Councilman Derek Green Holds Hearing on Diversity at Philly Nonprofits

After successfully passing an anti-discrimination bill that could challenge a business’s ability to retain its commercial activity license if it doesn’t comply with the city’s Fair […]

City Life

Philly’s Soda Tax: When Will Kenney — or Council — Fix This Hot Mess?

It’s hard to shake the feeling sometimes that Philadelphia’s beverage tax is the slowest governmental bait-and-switch in history. Back in 2016, as the possible spoils […]

City Life

Philly Bars Could Stay Open Later Under New City Council Bill

Philly’s late-night bar-goers may want to raise a glass to City Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown, who introduced a bill on Thursday that would, if passed, allow […]

blondell reynolds brown
City Life

City Council Pushes for Sexual Harassment Training for All City Workers

Sexual harassment prevention training could soon be required for all Philadelphia city workers. City Council passed a bill on Thursday – International Women’s Day – that […]

City Life

Five Ways Mayor Kenney Can Shore Up the Budget Without Tax Hikes

Read my lips: More new taxes.  That’s basically what Mayor Jim Kenney said on Thursday during his annual budget proposal. As with most of his […]

city council, mayor kenney, budget proposal
City Life

City Council on Kenney’s Budget Proposal: We’ll Get Back to You

Mayor Jim Kenney presented his annual budget proposal on Thursday. The main sticking point will likely be a tax package to help fund the School District […]

City Life

To Pay for Schools, Kenney Proposes Property, Real Estate Tax Hikes

When Mayor Jim Kenney promised in November to cover the nearly $1 billion deficit that the School District of Philadelphia is expected to accrue over […]