Blondell Reynolds Brown

Sunlit Philadelphia City Hall
City Life

School Advertising Bill May Die Because of…Facebook

Blondell Reynolds Brown is delaying a vote on a controversial bill to allow advertising on public school property until the spring, because of, well, Facebook. […]

City Life

Is Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown Under Federal Investigation?

Remember the stink surrounding Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown? Earlier this year, we learned that Brown admitted using campaign money to pay off a personal loan […]

City Life

Blondell Reynolds Brown Probably Knows Philadelphians Don’t Give a Crap About Her Lawbreaking

On Monday, Philadelphia’s Board of Ethics released a settlement it had reached with Philadelphia Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown, who has served as an At-Large Councilperson […]

City Life

Extending Bar Hours Is the Worst Government Idea Since DROP

Since the start of the new year, 32 people have been murdered in Philadelphia. There have been more than 100 shootings. The city is on […]