Bernie Sanders


A Gallery of 47 Bernie Sanders Supporters’ T-Shirts

Like they did yesterday, Bernie Sanders supporters gathered to march down Broad Street to the Democratic National Convention. The crowd — which also blended with […]

Debbie Wasserman Schultz was booed during a delegation breakfast at the DNC on Monday.
City Life

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Was Booed in Philly This Morning

Debbie Wasserman Schultz was booed in Philadelphia this morning while addressing a delegation breakfast, just a day after she announced she would step down as chairwoman […]

City Life

2016 DNC, Day 1: What to Expect Today

It’s here, whether we’re ready or not. Here’s what to expect during day one of the 2016 DNC today, whether you plan to trek to […]

Protesters march holding a 'Clean Energy Revolution' sign

Thousands March in Center City Against Fossil Fuels

Thousands marched from City Hall to Independence Mall today to call for a “clean energy revolution” — protesting fossil fuel extraction methods like fracking, pipeline projects […]

Bernie Sanders supporter - Waffles the Clown - in a rat suit

WATCH: An Interview With a Bernie Supporter in a Rat Suit Waffles the Clown, a performer who previously dressed up as Bernie Sanders’s little brother Ernie, is marching in an anti-fracking protest today with a […]

City Life

DNC Guide: Keep Bernin’

1. The Neighborhood Bars Many a great revolution has been fueled in drinking halls, and in our era of 140-character conversations, the most enlightening Bernie […]

City Life

Meet the Onetime Philadelphian Leading the Fight to Destroy Superdelegates

Diane Russell, a 39-year-old Democratic state representative from Maine, rested her raspberry cocktail on the bar table at Center City’s Sonesta Hotel and glanced at her cell phone. There […]


The 7 Best Philly Shops for LOL-Worthy DNC Merchandise

With the RNC well underway, in all its plagiarized speech-ed, shouting glory, we’re getting hype for the DNC madness to make its way to Philly […]

City Life

Here Are the Really Big Names Speaking at the DNC

The speaker lineup for the DNC is starting to take shape, and it’s already stacked. The Clinton campaign just announced the headlining speakers for this month’s […]

City Life

Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton

With just two weeks to go until the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has officially called off his campaign and endorsed […]

Be Well Philly

Sanders Delegate Running 1,200 Miles — Yes, Running — to Philly for DNC

Hat tip to the folks over at PhillyVoice for making our morning and bringing this (maybe insane, yet insanely cool) Bernie Sanders delegate, who is running 1,200 […]

City Life

We’ve Not Found a Single Wharton Employee Who’s Given Money to Donald Trump

Donald Trump often mentions his educational BFF, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.  He loooooves him some Wharton, where he received his bachelor’s degree in […]

City Life

Swing State Poll: Clinton and Trump Neck-and-Neck in Pa.

A Quinnipiac University poll found the contest between presumptive presidential nominees Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump too close to call in Pennsylvania. In Pa., 42 […]

City Life

Philly Activist Staging World’s Largest “Fart-in” for Hillary Clinton

Prepare yourselves, Philadelphia. You might need to hold your breath during the DNC. Cheri Honkala of the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign is organizing the world’s largest […]

City Life

Bernie Bros to Occupy Local Campgrounds for DNC

Hotels across the Delaware Valley will host about 6,000 delegates and supporters during the Democratic National Convention this July. But some Bernie supporters are looking to […]