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Barack Obama

City Life

VIDEO: Sixth-Grader Explains “Fiscal Cliff,” Meets President

Noah Williams-Morrill, the West Reading Elementary student who made the “Sixth Grader Explains the Fiscal Cliff in 1 Minute” video below, has become famous enough […]

City Life

Obama’s Philly Visit Sets Stage for Tax Battle with GOP

Yes, the election is over, but it’s going to feel like early November 2012 all over again in Philadelphia today. President Obama is coming to […]

City Life

After Lunch, President Obama Should Steal Mitt’s Ideas

President Obama and Mitt Romney had lunch together on Thursday, and let’s be honest: The whole thing was for show. That’s OK! Some shows are […]

City Life

Obama Nominates Philly Lesbian for Judge

Philadelphia’s own Judge Nitza I. Quiñones Alejandro, who currently serves on the county’s Court of Common Pleas, has been nominated for a federal judgeship by President […]

City Life

Hooray for Justice Ginsburg’s All-Woman Supreme Court!

There are two things you should probably know about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s suggestion that America should have an all-female Supreme Court. It’s never, ever […]

City Life

The “Obama Hates Israel” Myth Is Dead

You’ve been hearing it since about 2007: Barack Obama doesn’t like Jews. He’s anti-Israel.  He “snubbed” the prime minister of Israel. If he’s elected, or […]

City Life

Obama to Demonstrate Fiscal Cliff Risk at Montco K’NEX Plant

The president is slated to give a “fiscal cliff roadshow” speech on Friday at a Hatfield factory that makes parts for Tinkertoy and K’NEX kits. […]

City Life

Obama Order Lets South Philly Immigrant Stay in America

When Congress failed in 2010 to pass The Dream Act—giving children of illegal immigrants a path to citizenship—President Obama took action on his own, saying […]

City Life

President Obama’s Hypocritical New Drone Assassination Rules

Now that President Obama’s re-election is safely in the bag, is it OK for grumpy liberals to start criticizing him again? It is? OK then! […]

City Life

10 Ways America Is Better Without Texas

For years and years, Texas has tried to lure tourists from the rest of the United States by proclaiming itself to be a “whole other […]

City Life

Twitter Republicans Desperate to Prove Romney Lost Slightly Less Badly

After a week of stunned, grieving silence, the Tea Party has begun boiling anew over yesterday’s news that Mitt Romney failed to garner even one […]

City Life

The Top 10 Lessons of the 2012 Presidential Election

10. The Tea Party? Not much of a party. If there’s one thing 2012 proved conclusively, it’s that the Republican Party needs to be more […]

City Life

Report: Jon Gruden Could Be Next Eagles Coach?

U.S. Supreme Court Halts Pennsylvania Murderer’s Execution. Hubert Lester Michael Jr.—death row guys always use three names—escaped lethal injection when the Supremes intervened Thursday night. […]

City Life

What Can Philly Expect From a Second Obama Term?

Local pols broke out their crystal balls for the Inky this morning, offering federal funding prognostications ranging from the platitudinous (“It’s always good for Philadelphia […]

City Life

What Obama’s Second Term Means for Philly

President Obama has been re-elected for another four years. Philly, you got what you wanted. And so you shall reap the rewards! I like the […]