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Barack Obama

City Life

Pat Toomey, Barack Obama Pretended to be Friends Over Dinner Last Night

Last  night–before he ahem, droned on and on last night to temporarily filibuster Barack Obama’s controversial C.I.A. Director nominee–Pat Toomey apparently had a lovely dinner party […]

City Life

Dennis Rodman Be Damned, North Korea Vows to Nuke U.S.

Look what happens when Dennis Rodman leaves the country. North Korea on Thursday vowed to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the United States, amplifying its […]

City Life

GOP Senators Quote Jay-Z, Shakespeare to Filibuster C.I.A. Pick

You may have noticed the twitter hashtag #StandWithRand trending late last night. Stand being the operative word. Yesterday, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul staged the longest, […]

City Life

Video: In First Post-Election Interview, Mitt Romney Addresses iPhone Pictures of his Mussed Hair

The twice-felled presidential candidate sat down with Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace yesterday, once with his wife, once solo. This is the first time we’ve […]

City Life

Bob Woodward Now Behaving Like an Aging “Mike Schmidt”

For decades, he’s been a benign paragon of neutral, tick-tocking, investigative reporting. But now, Bob Woodward has now become the most polarizing figure in Washington. […]

City Life

Corbett to Reconsider Obamacare Expansion? He’s Meeting with Sebelius to Discuss

Tom Corbett, unlike his fellow northeastern Republican Chris Christie, rejected the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion. (To the detriment of, like, half a million people.) […]

City Life

Call the Next Federal Government Crisis “Armageddon”

President Obama is running around the country trying like hell to convince the American public that the sky is falling and that it’s not his […]

City Life

Joe Biden Totally Copies Obama’s Official Portrait

It’s official portrait season in the White House these days! And Joe Biden, out of deep love and admiration for his boss, has gone ahead […]

City Life

9 Ways Pennsylvania is Going to Get Hammered by the Sequester

If you haven’t been paying attention to the “sequester,” you might want to read on. The White House has released state-by-state reports documenting the impact the […]

City Life

Three Ways Conservatives Are Smarter Than Liberals

Over the weekend, liberal MSNBC host Chris Hayes revealed he’d been asked to sit on a panel at CPAC, an annual gathering of the nation’s […]

City Life

Tom Corbett May Have Just Cost the State 40,000 Jobs by Rejecting Obamacare Provision

According to a new report, Tom Corbett’s decision to reject Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion could cost the state as many as 40,000 jobs by 2016, due […]

City Life

First Look: Michelle Obama’s New Portrait

There’s the new bangs, yes, but I’m certain this new official second-term portrait of First Lady Michelle Obama won’t cause as much of a ruckus […]

City Life

Here Is a Much Better “Joe Biden Is Pro-Shotgun” Clip

A new clip, in which Vice President Joe Biden is “delighted to answer” a gun-control question from a reader of Parents magazine and urges her […]

City Life

What’s So Scary About Raising Minimum Wage?

A week ago, in his State of the Union address, President Obama proposed raising minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $9 an hour. If […]

City Life

What Obama and Tiger Woods Were Really Doing on Their Golf Outing

You’ve probably heard by now that the White House Press Corps, having been denied access to the man whose existence justifies theirs, was none too […]