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Barack Obama

City Life

No, Let’s Not Go to War in Syria

Well, we’re a little closer to war with Syria than we were 24 hours ago. Why? Because the United States has determined that the Syrian […]

City Life

OK, Yeah, Whatever, NSA Spies

I have been trying, diligently, to develop a strong reaction to the NSA controversies that rattled the Obama administration this week. I’ve done so, in […]

City Life

President Obama Owes George W. Bush an Apology

A little embarrassingly now, the last time I remember putting on a tie was on Inauguration Day 2009. I didn’t go anywhere special—just the office—but […]

City Life

What If President Obama’s Massive NSA Spying Is Keeping Us Safe?

So wait a minute: What if this massive NSA spying project is necessary? What if it’s really keeping us safe? That’s what a friend of […]

City Life

President Obama’s Betrayal of Civil Liberties Is Complete

I was wrong. Last fall, I decided to vote for President Obama’s re-election. I did so even though I had deep concerns about his administration’s […]

City Life

Tom Corbett to Prevent Obamacare From Covering Abortions in Pennsylvania

Starting next year under the Affordable Care Act, Pennsylvania residents can use federally-run “exchanges” to shop for health insurance plans. The marketplaces will make comparative […]

City Life

Can Obama Ambush Republicans With a Pocket Full of Blackness?

Democrats bank on a weary, politically shell-shocked public eventually punishing Republicans in 2014, compounded by the constant of changing demographic winds that conservatives can’t shake. […]

City Life

Whoever Sent Ricin to Mayor Bloomberg Is a Poster Boy for Gun Control

Dear Gun Owners, … No strike that. Most gun owners are law abiding and responsible. Dear Crazy Gun Owners, … No wait. Still too broad. […]

City Life

Why Does President Obama Keep Giving Good Jobs to Republicans?

So President Obama is going to appoint a Republican to a high-profile national security position. Again. This time the Republican is James Comey, and the […]

City Life

Video: Christie Obliterates Obama at Boardwalk Football Game

“One and done.” Those were the immortal words from Governor Chris Christie, uttered after vanquishing Barack Obama in a friendly game of Boardwalk football toss, […]

City Life

Reminder: The President Is Down the Shore Today

President Obama and Gov. Chris Christie are getting together today at the Shore for their first post-Sandy tete-a-tete. It won’t quite be the whirlwind tour […]

City Life

The Obama-Christie Jersey Shore Bromance Will Resume on Tuesday

Get ready for another round of Chris Christie and Barack Obama walking side-by-side, pointing at stuff and shaking hands. The president will touch down on […]

City Life

Obama’s (Cute!) Prom Photos Released

The season of cummerbunds and boutonierres is upon is. Time Magazine has obtained, from an old high school friend of Barack H. Obama’s, photos from his […]

City Life

Obama’s Scandals Do Not Mean Liberalism Has Failed

It was to be expected: The recent round of scandals surrounding President Obama has prompted conservatives to a chorus of every ideologue’s favorite rallying cry: […]

City Life

You Can’t Make Me Care About Benghazi

Last week was supposed to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week for President Obama. The IRS was doing something terrible. The Justice […]