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Chris Sawyer, the often acerbic operator of Philadelinquency and high-ranking lieutenant in the war-of-words down in Point Breeze, has published his latest map of delinquent properties in […]
Shutting down the shutdown and avoiding imminent default was not like Idris Elba in Pacific Rim “cancel[ing] the apocalypse.” Democrats making victory laps on the […]
Sixteen days after shutting down the government and less than 48 hours before pushing America into default, Republicans in Congress have finally abandoned their fruitless […]
The great fish moved silently through the water, and into immortality. Without question, Jaws was a classic, filled with memorable lines. But the one that […]
It’s not at all clear if Republicans, especially those knee-jerking and red-necking in the House, have assessed that a government shutdown is having a massive […]
Infused with a new burst of political capital as the country shakes its head and laughs at the fanatical, obstructionist wing of the Republican Party, […]
1. Insufficient FDA inspections: The government shutdown has been tied to the increase in the “continuing” salmonella outbreak that has now hospitalized nearly 300 people […]
As if Washington didn’t have enough to worry about right now, with a government shutdown more than a week old, a debt ceiling confrontation looming […]
The public knows very little about Miriam Carey, the woman who Capitol Police identified as the person who rammed her black Infiniti into a White […]
Tea Party favorite Michelle Bachmann promised that none of the House Republicans would blink in their efforts to defund Obamacare, even if it means closing […]
The great thing about government shutdowns it that they bring people together. If you go to Independence Mall today—or any day for the foreseeable future—you’ll […]
Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor supports providing students with alternatives to public schools, and he wants you to know about it. So, naturally, he’s in Philly […]
Red light cameras: not just for the city anymore. We all have Abington Township , the first municipality outside of Philly to install the cameras, […]
Tom Corbett has a plan to provide insurance for 500,000 uninsured Pennsylvanians as part of his proposed Medicaid changes—all you’ve got to do is get […]
As we begin to climb out of the Great Recession, rules for getting on cash welfare are getting tighter, and more people are getting denied. […]