Bad Government

City Life

New Map Released of Philadelphia Tax Delinquents

Chris Sawyer, the often acerbic operator of Philadelinquency and high-ranking lieutenant in the war-of-words down in Point Breeze, has published his latest map of delinquent properties in […]

American Flag as a brick wall
City Life

There Is No Reason for Anyone to Be Happy About How the Shutdown Ended

Shutting down the shutdown and avoiding imminent default was not like Idris Elba in Pacific Rim “cancel[ing] the apocalypse.” Democrats making victory laps on the […]

City Life

The Republican Party Is Sinking. And That’s Bad for America.

Sixteen days after shutting down the government and less than 48 hours before pushing America into default, Republicans in Congress have finally abandoned their fruitless […]

Jobs on a puzzle piece
City Life

Have Americans Become Too Comfortable Receiving Government Assistance?

The great fish moved silently through the water, and into immortality. Without question, Jaws was a classic, filled with memorable lines. But the one that […]

City Life

Are Normally Hawkish Republicans Endangering U.S. Security Abroad?

It’s not at all clear if Republicans, especially those knee-jerking and red-necking in the House, have assessed that a government shutdown is having a massive […]

Capitol Building
City Life

Congressional Republican Loggerheadedness Beginning to Backfire

Infused with a new burst of political capital as the country shakes its head and laughs at the fanatical, obstructionist wing of the Republican Party, […]

Capitol Building
City Life

The List: 6 Terrifying Consequences of the Government Shutdown

1. Insufficient FDA inspections: The government shutdown has been tied to the increase in the “continuing” salmonella outbreak that has now hospitalized nearly 300 people […]

City Life

Weird Activism: How the Media Got Played, Maybe, by the D.C. “Trucker Shutdown”

As if Washington didn’t have enough to worry about right now, with a government shutdown more than a week old, a debt ceiling confrontation looming […]

Capitol Building
City Life

Are Journalists Bored Because Miriam Carey Wasn’t a Terrorist?

The public knows very little about Miriam Carey, the woman who Capitol Police identified as the person who rammed her black Infiniti into a White […]

City Life

Are These Local Republicans Defecting to End the Shutdown?

Tea Party favorite Michelle Bachmann promised that none of the House Republicans would blink in their efforts to defund Obamacare, even if it means closing […]

City Life

Hanging Out with Disappointed Tourists on Independence Mall

The great thing about government shutdowns it that they bring people together. If you go to Independence Mall today—or any day for the foreseeable future—you’ll […]

City Life

Next Up in Eric Cantor’s School Choice Promo Tour: Philly Schools

Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor supports providing students with alternatives to public schools, and he wants you to know about it. So, naturally, he’s in Philly […]

City Life

Look Out, Abington: the Red Light Cameras Are Coming

Red light cameras: not just for the city anymore. We all have Abington Township , the first municipality outside of Philly to install the cameras, […]

City Life

Gov. Corbett to Outline Medicaid Expansion, Work-Search Requirements

Tom Corbett has a plan to provide insurance for 500,000 uninsured Pennsylvanians as part of his proposed Medicaid changes—all you’ve got to do is get […]

City Life

Up to 8 in 10 Welfare Applicants Denied Assistance in Pennsylvania

As we begin to climb out of the Great Recession, rules for getting on cash welfare are getting tighter, and more people are getting denied. […]