Archdiocese of Philadelphia


Here Is The Loyalty Pledge Philly Catholic Schools Are Making Parents Sign

“Attending a Catholic school is a privilege, not a right.” So begins a list of six statements the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is requiring the parents […]

City Life

Department of Duh: Of Course Margie Winters Got Fired

In some ways, I feel for Archbishop Charles J. Chaput. Yesterday, when he released a statement on the archdiocese’s position on the firing of Margie Winters, […]


Jim Kenney’s Long War with the Archdiocese

Democratic mayoral nominee Jim Kenney is a proud graduate of St. Joe’s Prep and La Salle. He was born and raised in a Irish Catholic […]


Ahead of Pope Francis’ Visit, a Musical Schism in the Philadelphia Archdiocese

Deep in a list of “liturgical music happenings” late last month was this curious announcement: John Romeri, music director of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, was […]

st laurentius church

Darrell Clarke Calls to ‘Hold Off’ Demolition Saint Laurentius Church in Fishtown

Parishioners of Saint Laurentius Church in Fishtown have long been fighting to save their beloved sanctuary. Sunday, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia declared that the 133-year-old […]


Pa. Supreme Court Will Hear Monsignor Lynn Case

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court will hear arguments tomorrow in the case of Monsignor William Lynn. The Philadelphia District Attorney’s office is appealing a lower court […]


Archdiocese Plans to Sell 200-Acre Property For $47 Million

Offers came in after the Archdiocese of Philadelphia put the 200-acre Don Guanella Village on the market last year, but now it seems the site, which includes […]

City Life

Philly’s Archdiocese Needs to Rip Off the Band-Aid

Every morning, I pass the entrance of St. Laurentius elementary school on Berks Street in Fishtown. “Have a great day, hon!” shouts the principal, who […]

Things to Do

Philly Archdiocese to Auction 5 Eakins Portraits From Seminary Collection

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is in spring-cleaning mode as it downsizes its St. Charles Borromeo Seminary on City Avenue, and among the items its clearing out are five portraits […]

City Life

Philadelphia Archdiocese Plans First “Mass Mob” Location

Church attendance has been dwindling for decades. The Catholic Church hasn’t been able to reverse the trend, but that hasn’t stopped it from trying. My […]