2020 Presidential Race

elizabeth warren ed rendell hypocrite
City Life

Elizabeth Warren Is a Hypocrite, Says Hypocrite Ed Rendell

This story has been updated with a comment from Ed Rendell. Elizabeth Warren is a hypocrite. That’s the message from Ed Rendell ahead of Thursday […]

City Life

Trump Wants to Recruit Women Voters, Starting in King of Prussia

Donald Trump wants more women to vote for him. Yes, this past weekend the president did in fact tell four freshman lawmakers — Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, […]

elizabeth warren
City Life

Elizabeth Warren Sure Seemed to Have a Good Weekend in Philly

Elizabeth Warren hung out in Philly this weekend — like, really hung out. The U.S. senator and 2020 presidential candidate took a casual stroll in Rittenhouse […]

democratic debate watch parties
City Life

Philly Watch Parties for the First 2020 Democratic Debates

In a city where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans eight to one, the Democratic presidential primary is a big deal. On Wednesday, June 26th, and Thursday, […]

City Life

Biden 2020 Rally: Road Closures, Parking Restrictions, and Logistics

Joe Biden will be spending a lot of time in Philly as he navigates the 2020 presidential race — starting this weekend. The former vice president and current […]

joe biden philadelphia headquarters
City Life

Looks Like We’ll Be Seeing a Lot of Joe Biden in Philly

There’s a lot of excitement building in Philadelphia over Joe Biden. This Saturday, the former vice president of the United States is appearing at a […]

City Life

Elizabeth Warren to Drop Into Philly to Talk With Teachers Union

Here comes another 2020 presidential hopeful. Just five days before Joe Biden will hold his campaign kickoff rally in front of the Art Museum, Elizabeth Warren will visit […]

richard vague
City Life

Is This Rich Middle-Aged White Guy From Texas the Most Revolutionary Thinker in Philly?

Richard Vague said he wanted to do the focus groups himself. Yes, yes, he told his seasoned — and worried — political advisers; he knew […]

john hickenlooper president
City Life

Presidential Hopeful John Hickenlooper Has a Great Name — and Ties to Philly

Any marketing expert will tell you that one of the keys to successful branding is having a unique name. Former Colorado governor and newly declared […]

pennsylvania presidential candidates
City Life

Here’s How Likely These 6 Philly-Area Politicians Are to Run in 2020

As the 2020 presidential campaign intensifies, an unprecedented number of politicians (literally scores) are thought to be considering runs at President Donald Trump. And a […]

richard vague president
City Life

Richard Vague Says He Might Run for President in 2020

Earlier this week, we heard chatter that Philadelphia venture capitalist Richard Vague has spent the last year conducting focus groups across the United States and […]